摘要(英) |
Title:Study on the Development of Auxiliary Assistive Devices for Transfer of Elderly Persons by Using Scenario Based Method.
Aging society is the subject that we must face in next decade. With the increase in the number of the elderly population and the effect of reducing the number of births, the demand and also burden on the elderly care is enlargerd than ever. Because the the probability for elderly people sufferring from dementia and degenerative diseases gradually increase, the number of elderly people who need full-time care also increases. How to provide proper care for elderly people and minimize the burden on care-givers becomes the most important topic of elderly case.
In the study, auxiliary assistive devices for transfer of elderly persons is developed based on human-centered design and scenario design methods. First of all, through field work on interview and experience sharing of caregivers as well as collecting relevant information from some actual cases, evaluation forms are fromulated. By using the evaluation results of the daily behavioral load and from observation and sorting of the characteristics and demands of the auxiliaries for caregivers, some various cases of scenario are developed to serve as the basis for the development of the assistive devices. In order to provide proper care for the elderly and to reduce the physical burden of the caregivers, the roles, events, environments and products in the developed scenarios are analyzed in the study to identify the essential actions and requirements to achieve the design of the devices. Four versions of the conceptual design of the devices are developed iteratively. The corresponding advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The research method and the developed prototype proposed in the thesis can serve as a good reference for developing medical assistive devices.
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