博碩士論文 91222007 詳細資訊

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姓名 邱展祺(Chan-Chi Chiou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 違反R-parity之超對稱標準模型下, 夸克-純量場一階費曼圖對中子電耦極矩之貢獻
(Quark-Scalar Loop Contributions to Neutron EDM from R-parity Violation)
★ 無R超對稱標準模型中輕子的輻射衰變★ 超對稱無R宇稱下的電子電偶極矩
★ 龐加萊─史奈德相對論架構下的古典與量子力學★ Lie Algebra Contraction and Relativity Symmetries
★ 伽利略座標下的電磁學與龐加萊-史奈德相對論下的電磁學★ Coherent state and co-adjoint orbits on irreducible representations of SU(4)
★ 無R宇稱超對稱裡的輕子味違反希格斯衰變★ 複數勞倫茲對稱
★ Wigner-Weyl′s transform and its contraction★ Effective Theories for Supersymmetric Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Models established through Functional Integration
★ Kähler Product and Symmetry Data in Quantum Mechanics
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摘要(中) 本篇論文詳述了在不包含R-parity 的超對稱標準模型下, 一階 (one loop) 費曼圖 對電子電耦極矩的貢獻. 我們著重於夸克-純量場一階圈圖的貢獻. 給出了解析解和電腦模擬的結果. 我們討論了違反R-parity所造成的中子電耦極矩的貢獻之結構和其主要特徵. 特別是違反了 R-parity 的 (Bi*).(λ’ijk) 和 (μi*).(λ’ijk) 兩組參數的組合. 對中子電耦極矩形成主要之貢獻.違反 R-parity 的參數或 CKM 矩陣的複數相位是所需的電荷及宇稱的破壞源.
摘要(英) We present a detailed analysis together with exact numerical
calculations on one-loop contributions to the neutron electric
dipole moment from supersymmetry without R parity, focusing on the
quark-scalar loop contributions. Complete formulae are given for the
various contributions through the quark dipole operators. We discuss
the structure and main features of the R-parity violating
contributions. In particular, the parameter combinations
$B_i^*lambda^{prime}_{ijk}$ and $mu_i^*lambda^{prime}_{ijk}$,
under the optimal parametrization adopted, are shown to be
responsible for the R-parity violating contributions. The sources of
the necessary CP violation can come from R-parity violating
parameters or the complex phase in the CKM matrix itself.
關鍵字(中) 關鍵字(英) ★ EDM
論文目次 1. Introduction………………………………1
2. Electric dipole moment in
Quantum field theory…………………….4
3. Generic Supersymmetric Standard Model
4. Quark Loop Contributions……………15
5. Numerical Results and discussions……20
6. Summary………………………………30
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指導教授 江祖永(Otto Kong) 審核日期 2005-6-30
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