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姓名 謝詩蔚(Shih-Wei Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 Ag/Co奈米複合材料的電子傳輸探討
(Transport behavior and magnetoresistance in Ag/Co nanocomposites)
★ 銦錫鐵氧化物稀釋磁性半導體與微粒薄膜之研究★ 高溫超導銪-釔-銅-氧化合物的磁有序及磁鬆弛探討
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★ 零維奈米鉛粉粒超導磁穿透深度與粒徑關係探討★ 以比熱實驗探討奈米微粒的量子能隙
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摘要(中) 採用銀與鈷兩種奈米微粒,以各種不同質量比例調配之後均勻混合,施加不同的壓力壓合製成Ag/Co磁性奈米複合材料。利用不同的製作壓力調配銀與鈷奈米微粒之間距離大小及樣品空隙多寡,藉此討論磁性奈米複合材料的電子傳導機制。調配複合材料內銀與鈷奈米微粒質量比例,藉以改變樣品中的內部磁場,影響電阻隨著外加磁場改變,造成磁阻效應。
摘要(英) Two kinds of nanoparticles, silver and cobalt, were mixed with different mass proportion, and exert different pressure to make the Ag/Co magnetic nanocompound material. In order to discuss the relation of the distance and the electron transport mechanism, we control the distance between the silver the cobalt nanoparticles ( the crevices in the sample ) by the different manufacturing pressures. The mass proportions of the nanoparticles change the internal magnetic field in the nanocompound material, and lead to the magnetoresistance.
To measure the susceptibility and the resistivity, observing the magnetoresistance ( MR ) at low temperature, and the MR phenomenon vanishes at high temperature. We also observe that the positive MR transits to the negative MR at the high applied magnetic field. We use Sheng’s granular cobalt films model, tunneling of spin-polarized electrons, to explain the MR transition phenomenon and the electrons transport mechanism. And we obtain the width of potential barrier by fitting the resistivity curve of the samples. The phonon scattering effect explains the resistance at high temperature.
關鍵字(中) ★ 奈米複合材料
★ 電子傳輸
★ 磁阻
★ 自旋極化電子穿隧模型
關鍵字(英) ★ tunneling of spin-polarized electrons
★ magnetoresistance
★ nanocomposites
論文目次 論文摘要…………………………………………………………I
第一章 簡介複合奈米微粒與奈米複合材料
1-1 複合奈米微粒簡介………………………………………1
1-2 奈米複合材料的導電特性………………………………3
1-3 磁阻分類與原理…………………………………………5
第二章 Ag/Co磁性奈米複合材料備製與組成分析
2-1 樣品備製…………………………………………………6
2-2 電阻測量與磁化率測量…………………………………9
第三章 電阻率與磁化率量測結果
3-1 樣品標示與微粒間距…………………………………13
3-2 磁性奈米複合材料的電阻率量測結果………………18
3-2-1 電阻率隨溫度量測結果…………………………18
3-2-2 磁阻效應…………………………………………23
3-3 磁化強度與磁化率量測結果…………………………33
第四章 電阻率與磁化強度關係之物理探討
4-1 磁阻與磁化強度關係討論……………………………37
4-1-1 鐵磁性、反鐵磁性、順磁性、逆磁性……………37
4-1-2 磁阻與磁化強度的關係…………………………39
4-2 微粒系統的電子穿隧模型與磁阻效應………………40
4-3 微粒系統電阻率與微粒間隙關係……………………44
4-4 微粒系統高溫電阻率與聲子散射之關係……………49
第五章 結論……………………………………………………51
參考文獻 1 陳東煌, 化工資訊與商情月刊第3期奈米專欄(92年9月號).
2 C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7th. edition (Willy, New York, 1996), p. 426.
3 C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7th. edition (Willy, New York, 1996), p. 446.
4 C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7th. edition (Willy, New York, 1996), p. 463.
5 J.S. Helman and B. Abeles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 1429 (1976)
6 P. sheng, B. Abeles, and Y. Arte, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31. 44 (1973)
7 S.Barilai, Y.Goldstein, I. Balerg, and J. S. Helman, Phys. Rev. B. 23. 1809 (1980)
指導教授 李文献(Wen-Hsien Li) 審核日期 2004-7-9
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