摘要(英) |
Taiwan′s agricultural water accounts for about 70% of the total nation’s water consumption in which paddy field irrigation has the largest proportion. Farmers choose to irrigate crops with water extracted from irrigation channel or pumped groundwater. The groundwater pumping issue has recently become a great concern in Taiwan. Taking into account the farmers’ irrigation experience and in-field irrigation operating, this study applies system dynamic model to establish an irrigation water management model for mixed paddy rice and upland crops fields in central Taiwan. This model can automatically identify the groundwater pumping time and the rate. It can reduce the possible human errors of the farmers during the operation of pumping. Moreover, this study, through the model to simulate a good agricultural water results, was able to explored the irrigation water use situation and further to enhance the water distribution efficiency of agricultural water use.
In general, the application of channel water and/or groundwater irrigation depends on the crop planting condition, such as crops planting ratio and the growth stage of crops. This research indicates in the case of the 50% paddy rice and 50% upland crops (total area is about 209 hectares), the maximum crop water demand (about 15500CMD) occurs on the 44 days of the second rice crop period in 2016; while in the case of the 90% paddy rice and 10% upland crops, the maximum crop water demand (about 17500CMD) happens on the 44 days of the second rice crop period in 2016. The results shown that the ratio of crops cultivation and the growing stage of crops significantly affect the irrigation water capacity. When the area of paddy rice cultivation increase, the need of irrigation water capacity will increase. However, if the water supply of canal do not increase but the area of paddy rice cultivation increase, the groundwater pumping in the paddy field will raise. By comparing the groundwater level for the first and the second rice crop period in 2015, the second rice crop period has received frequent rainfall with spatial and temporal uniformity is directly proportional to the recharge of groundwater and pumping situation. |
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