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姓名 艾譜圖(I Putu Ellsa Sarassantika)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 具有漸近破壞機制之鋼結構斜撐構架耐震性能研究
(Seismic Performance of Steel Braced Frames With Progressive Failure Mechanism)
★ 隅撐鋼結構耐震性能研究★ 含斜拉鋼筋之中空複合構件於三維載重下之耐震行為
★ 應用不同尺度隅撐之鋼結構耐震性能研究★ 雙孔中空複合構件耐震性能研究
★ 具挫屈控制機制之隅撐構架耐震行為研究★ 圓形中空複合構材耐震性能研究
★ 多層多跨隅撐鋼結構之耐震性能研究★ 隅撐抗彎構架之性能設計研究與分析
★ 配置開槽消能鋼板之預力式橋柱耐震性能研究★ 具鋼板消能裝置之隅撐結構耐震行為研究
★ 中空鋼骨鋼筋混凝土耐震補強有效性研究★ 具自復位隅撐鋼結構耐震性能研究
★ 具自復位梁柱接頭隅撐鋼結構耐震性能研究★ 具消能隅撐內框架之構架耐震性能研究
★ 具摩擦消能機制之Y型隅撐鋼結構耐震性能研究★ 全鋼線網圍束中空複合構材之扭轉撓曲行為研究
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摘要(中) 一種新式的被動型阻尼器,亦即脊椎阻尼器,由消能板、間隙及漸進加載機制組成,以提高構架之性能。
A new type of passive damper, namely backbone damper, consisting of energy plates, gap system and progressive loading mechanism was proposed to improve the performance of framed structures.
The backbone dampers were located at the two sides of a brace and were connected to the semi-rigid frame, forming a braced frame. The progressive loading mechanism is composed of standard bolt holes and slots with various lengths to control the initiation of various energy plates. This design not only enhanced the strength, stiffness and energy dissipation of the moment frame. In addition, the design provided a scheme to allow partial failure of the energy plates, thus effectively sustained the performance of the structure. A series of cyclic loading tests on the backbone dampers and braced frames with the proposed dampers were conducted. Test results showed that the strength, stiffness and energy dissipation of the framed structures were effectively improved. It is also validated from the tests that the deformation capacity of frames with progressive loading mechanism was adequately improved, thus justified the applicability of the proposed method.
關鍵字(中) ★ 阻尼器
★ 能量消散
★ 漸進加載
★ 耐震性能
★ 斜撐構架
關鍵字(英) ★ Damper
★ energy dissipation
★ progressive loading
★ seismic performance
★ braced frame
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Motivations 2
1.3. Objectives 3
1.4. Outlines 3
2.1. Evaluation of Structural Performance 4
2.2. Redundancy Structural Systems 4
2.3. Progressive Failure Mechanism 5
2.4. Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connection 6
2.5. Concentrically Braced Frame 7
2.6. Concentrically Braced Frame with Eccentric Gusset 7
3.1. Theory 9
3.1.1. Strong Column Weak Beam Philosophy 9
3.1.2. Bolted Top and Seat Angle Connection 10
3.1.3. Double Web Angle with Slot Connection 10
3.1.4. Energy plate of the Damper 11 Brace with Damper 11 Bending Capacity of Beam 11
3.1.5. Hinge Gussets and High Strength Bolt 12
3.1.6. Strength of Damper 12
3.1.7. Progressive loading Mechanism 13
3.2. Finite Element Analysis 13
3.2.1. Analytical Model for Plate Simulation 14
3.2.2. Analytical Model for Brace Response Simulation 15
3.2.3. Analytical Model for Frame Response Simulation 16
3.2.4. Chaboche Kinematic Hardening for Cyclic Analysis 18
3.3. Mechanism of Damper 18
4.1. General 20
4.2. Specimen Design 20
4.2.1. Set-Up for Component Tests 21
4.2.2. Set-Up for Frame Tests 22
4.3. Specimen Details 22
4.3.1. Brace member 22
4.3.2. Component Test 22
4.3.3. Semi Rigid Moment Frame (Bare Frame) 23
4.3.4. Braced Frame Test 23
4.4. Materials 24
4.5. Specimen Construction 24
4.6. Instrumentation 24
4.6.1. Strain Gauges 24
4.6.2. Transducers 25
4.6.3. Data Acquisition System 25
4.7. Lateral Support 25
4.8. Loading Protocol 25
5.1. General 26
5.2. Experimental Observations 26
5.2.1. Specimen 1 (1 Stage Component Test/1SC) 26
5.2.2. Specimen 2 (2 Stage Component Test/2SC) 27
5.2.3. Specimen 3 (3 stage Component Test/3SC) 28
5.2.4. Specimen 4 (Bare Frame/BF) 28
5.2.5. Specimen 5 (1 Stage Frame Test/1SF) 29
5.2.6. Specimen 6 (2 Stage Frame Test/2SF) 30
5.2.7. Specimen 7 (3 Stage Frame Test/3SF) 30
6.1. General 32
6.2. Comparisons of Strength between Tests and Finite Element Simulation 32
6.3. Stiffness 32
6.4. Strength 34
6.5. Deformation Capacity 35
6.6. Energy Dissipation 35
6.7. Performance Evaluations 36
6.8. Design Recommendations 37
7.1. General 38
7.2. Suggestions 39
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指導教授 許協隆(Hsieh-Lung Hsu) 審核日期 2017-8-2
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