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姓名 廖明傑(Ming-Chieh Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 岩石節理面之隨機模擬與其離散元素模型之力學性質分析
★ 探討逆向坡受重力變形 及降雨影響之破壞型態★ 以離心模型試驗及個別元素法評估正斷層和逆斷層錯動地表及地下變形
★ 極端降雨下堤防破壞機制探討 -以舊寮堤防為例★ 土壤工程性質水平方向空間變異性探討-以標準貫入試驗N值為例
★ 使用離散元素法進行乾砂直剪試驗模擬★ 以微觀角度探討顆粒狀材料在直剪試驗下之力學行為
★ 以地理統計方法進行大範圍基地地盤改良評估★ 以離散元素法進行具鍵結顆粒材料之直剪試驗模擬
★ 地工織物加勁土壤之承載力影響因子探討 -以中大紅土為例★ 以離散元素法探討加勁砂土層在淺基礎受載重下之力學
★ 卵礫石層直接剪力試驗與垂直平鈑載重試驗之離散元素法數值模擬★ 不同粗糙度係數下岩石節理面剖面之空間變異性探討
★ 以分離元素法與離心模型模擬在不同尺度下順向坡滑動行為★ 極端降雨下堤防邊坡穩定可靠度探討-以荖濃溪沿岸堤防為例
★ The micromechanical behavior of granular samples in direct shear tests using 3D DEM★ 以分離元素法與離心模型試驗探討順向坡滑動行為
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摘要(中) 由於岩體中常伴隨節理面構造,因此使得岩體整體剪力強度不止受到岩體本身材料強度之影響,同時也受到節理面存在而可能有變化。岩石節理面之存在對於岩體剪力強度之影響,已有Barton提出之公式可推估岩體受節理面影響下之剪力強度,其中節理面粗糙度為重要之影響因素,且通常用節理面粗糙度係數(簡稱JRC)來表示岩體節理面剖面之粗糙程度。
Because the rock mass is often accompanied by the joint, the overall shear strength of the rock mass is affected not only by the strength of the material itself, but also by the existence of the joint. The influence of the existence of rock joints on the shear strength of rock mass has been proposed by Barton to estimate the shear strength of rock mass under the influence of joint. Where the joint surface roughness is an important influencing factor, and the joint roughness coefficient (JRC) is usually used to represent the roughness of the section.
Barton (1977) proposed the visual comparison method for the earliest assessment of the JRC method, but because of this approach is more subjective, in recent years, many scholars have proposed numerical quantitative objective way to assess JRC. Due to different theories or assumptions in the assessment of JRC will cause some overestimation or underestimation, in this study, 86 rock joint sections (known as JRC) were collected and digitized and analyzed statistically. It is found that the elevation difference of the joint surface is normal distribution, and the standard deviation of the elevation difference is highly correlated with the JRC value. In this study, a new set of new rock joint sections was generated by the above parameters and use different JRC evaluation method for JRC calculation and comparison, and finally the JRC assessment of the distribution of the value of the trend of the proposed recommendations.
In addition, we use the PFC2D to simulate the unconfined compression test of rock and the basic friction angle of rock joint direct shear test After obtaining the rock mechanics parameters of this model, the numerical model of the direct shear test was established for one of the randomly generated rock joint and the standard profile proposed by Barton. The results obtained by this numerical model are compared with the empirical formula of shear strength proposed by Barton (1977). The results show that the shear mechanics behavior of the randomly generated joints is in accordance with the Barton standard profile and the empirical formula.
關鍵字(中) ★ 岩石節理面
★ 隨機模擬
關鍵字(英) ★ Rock Joints
★ Randomly Generated
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究流程簡述 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1岩石節理面之力學性質 4
2.1.1岩石剪力強度推估方式 4
2.1.2尺寸效應 7
2.2節理粗糙度係數推估方式 10
2.2.1視覺對照法 10
2.2.2方均根法 11
2.2.3改良方均根法 12
2.2.4傾角擬合推估法 13
2.2.5碎形維度法 14
2.3岩石節理粗糙剖面之資料 15
2.3.1岩石節理剖面之量測 15
2.3.2測量誤差的修正 18
2.3.3攝影測量誤差實驗 19
2.3.4量測誤差之結果與計算 20
2.3PFC理論介紹 23
2.3.1PFC2D程式簡介 23
2.3.2PFC2D基本假設 23
2.3.3運算原理 24
2.3.4接觸組成模式 28
2.3.5PF2D的限制 31
2.4數值模擬岩石節理面之研究 31
2.4.1PFC3D模擬岩石節理剖面 31
2.4.2PFC之平滑節理模式 36
2.4.3邱家吉(2016)對平滑節理模式的探討 38
第三章 研究方法 40
3.1岩石節理粗糙剖面資料蒐集與整理 40
3.2原始岩石節理粗糙剖面之統計性質 45
3.3常態分佈之適配度檢定 48
3.3.1適配度檢定 48
3.3.2常態分佈檢定結果 49
3.4隨機產生節理面剖面 51
3.5離散元素軟體PFC2D之節理面力學試驗模擬 52
3.5.1單壓試驗 52
3.5.2岩石節理面直接剪力試驗 54
第四章 研究成果 62
4.1隨機產生節理面之驗證 62
4.2力學試驗模擬結果 65
4.2.1PFC2D模擬岩石單壓試驗結果 65
4.2.2PFC2D模擬直接剪力試驗之結果 66
4.2.3PFC2D直剪模型鍵結斷裂分析 80
4.3離散元素法與Barton岩石剪力強度經驗公式比較 86
4.3.1隨機生成之岩石節理面直剪結果與Barton經驗公式比較 87
4.3.2Barton標準剖面直剪結果與Barton經驗公式比較 89
第五章 結果與建議 92
5.1岩石節理面的統計分析與隨機生成 92
5.2藉由數值分析模擬岩石節理面的力學行為 93
5.3建議 94
參考文獻 96
附錄 98
附一 問與答 98
附二 常態分佈檢定 101
附三 鍵結參數更換後之力學模擬結果 103
附四 節理面粗糙度係數的分段計算 105
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指導教授 黃文昭(Wen-Chao Huang) 審核日期 2017-8-9
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