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姓名 簡毓瑭(Yu-Tang Chien)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 2016東亞極端寒潮事件研究
(A Study of the 2016 Extreme Cold Surge Event in East Asia)
★ 春季中國華南地區層積雲分析★ 近赤道東太平洋特定海域之降水年際變異探討
★ 聖嬰現象對颱風的影響之研究★ 1999年12月至2016年12月期間越南中部地區極端降雨
★ 春季大氣環流對東南亞氣膠傳輸之影響★ 1979-2017年西北太平洋颱風年代際變化探討
★ 台灣夏季季風之研究★ 熱帶與副熱帶地區半年週期震盪之探討
★ 台灣冬季降水年際變化之研究★ 颱風季節降雨量之年際變化
★ 颱風季節台灣降雨量年際變化之研究★ 1979年夏季印度季風季內變化之研究
★ 福爾摩沙衛星三號掩星資料對全球夏季氣候研究的影響★ 福衛三號掩星資料在東亞季風研究之應用
★ 台灣乾溼梅特徵分析★ ENSO對東亞降雨之影響
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摘要(中) 前人研究點出盤踞在東亞-西太平洋高層的反氣旋系統阻擋了高空南向的冷平流,冷空氣被限制在此高壓系統之下流動,形成東亞地區獨有的寒潮現象。寒潮為東亞季風區主要的天氣現象,然而2016一月發生極端寒潮事件使得東亞大幅降溫並在副熱帶地區發生固態降水,造成嚴重的經濟損失。此罕見現象一般被認為由負北極震盪影響,然而往年負北極震盪並無造成如此嚴重的寒害。因此引起了我們的好奇心,以此研究探討是否有其他因素導致此劇烈寒潮事件。
摘要(英) Previous studies demonstrate that the tropical anticyclone on the upper troposphere blocks the southward cold-air advection so that the cold air can only flow underneath this high system, in turn, this unique phenomenon named cold surges, naturally occurs over East Asia. During January 2016, an extreme cold surge event with a dramatic cooling in East Asia occurred and introduced a surprising solid-form precipitation around the subtropical areas and leading to serious economic losses. Following the synoptic development, a prominent anticyclonic anomaly over the Siberian region was observed prior to the extreme event. It turns out that there was a westward moving anticyclone over the western Pacific, which acts as a blocking agent to prevent the regular eastward migrating cyclones activity over North Asia resulting in the accumulation of air mass over Siberia that develop into a ridge.
The daily vertical cross-section of the streamfunction clearly shows that the anticyclone over the western Pacific evolves with a westward movement and yet provide the blocking function toward the newly developing ridge over the west Siberia. Further analysis based upon the short wave regime (wave number 4-15), it appears that the polar short wave and westerly short wave coupled with each other when they merged over East Asia, the upper-level trough was deepened. On the other hand, the air columns over East Asia exhibit a sufficient water vapor content prior to the extreme event. The water vapor flux analysis also demonstrates how the additional water vapors were transported from the deepened trough over the Indian peninsula to that over East Asia.
關鍵字(中) ★ 東亞寒潮
★ 極端事件
關鍵字(英) ★ cold surge
★ extreme event
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
附圖目錄 vi
一、前言 1
二、資料來源與分析方法 3
2.1資料來源 3
2.2分析方法 4
三、極端寒潮事件分析 8
3.1綜觀天氣分析 8
3.2大氣環流結構 10
3.3 底層綜觀環境 12
3.4高層綜觀特徵 13
四、反氣旋高壓 15
4.1阻塞高壓 15
4.1.1 天氣演變與阻塞指標 15
4.1.2 北半球環流演進 17
4.2垂直剖面分析 18
4.2.1 55°N&65°N東西剖面 18
4.2.2 120°E南北剖面 19
五、短波分析 21
5.1 長波背景 21
5.2高層短波列 22
六、水氣通量分析 25
6.1 各層環流場與水氣分布 25
6.2水氣傳輸與降水分析 26
6.3 水氣傳輸與可降水量 26
6.4 水氣輻散項與降水量 27
七、結論與展望 29
7.1 結論 29
7.2展望 31
八、參考文獻 32
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指導教授 嚴明鉦(Ming-Cheng Yen) 審核日期 2017-7-24
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