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姓名 裴春全(Bui Xuan Toan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 以基因演算法規劃啤酒釀造排程
(Applying Genetic Algorithm to Schedule Brewery Production)
★ 半導體化學材料銷售策略分析-以跨國B化工公司為例★ TFT-LCD CELL製程P檢點燈不良解析流程改善之關聯法則應用
★ 金融風暴時期因應長鞭效應的策略 –以X公司為例★ 勞動生產力目標訂定之研究-DEA 資料包絡法應用
★ 應用田口方法導入低溫超薄ITO透明導電膜於電容式觸控面板之研究★ 多階不等效平行機台排程與訂單決策
★ 多準則決策之應用-以雷射半導體產業為例★ 專案管理模式進行品管圈活動-以半導體機台保養測機流程改善為例
★ 應用e8D降低不合格品之效益分析-以快速消費品製造為例★ 供應商評選模式之建構-以塑膠射出成型機製造為例
★ 應用協同規劃預測補貨於伺服器備品存貨改善之研究-以Q代工公司為例★ 船用五金拋光作業之生產規劃
★ 以SCOR模型探討汽車安全輔助系統供應鏈-以A公司採購作業改善為例★ 研發補助計畫執行成效評估之研究以「工業基礎技術專案計畫」為例
★ 運用生態效益發展永續之耳機產業★ 失效模式設計審查(DRBFM)之應用-以筆記型電腦為例
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摘要(中) 中文摘要
歸類為Np-hard 的問題。因為上述原因,目前在規劃排程的應用上,不是站在求得最佳
摘要(英) Abstract
Scheduling is one of the most important problems in any manufacturing industry.
Therefore, the problem has been studied extendedly. Since, the scheduling problem is classified
as NP-hard problem, which means the time required for finding the optimal solution of the
problem is grown exponentially with the size of the problem. Therefore, it is unrealistic to find
optimal solution for the scheduling problem in the scene of the real world industrial case, even
with today advanced computer system.
There are many heuristic algorithms have been proposal to solve the scheduling problem.
They are beam search, local search technique, tabular search and Genetic Algorithm (GA), to
name a few. In recent years, GA has become a noticeable candidate for solving the scheduling
problem effectively. The idea of mimicking the evolutionary process is very interesting to
researchers. And the recent advanced in heuristic GA has sparked more attention toward new
research and application in the field of GA.
In Brewery industry, the fermentation process is the most crucial components of the whole
manufacturing process. It will decide the quality, taste of the products as well as the
productivity of the production line. Since, the fermentation time can take up to 41 days, and the
requirement time is varying a lot between different types of beers, therefore finding a good
scheduling solution to dealing with this complexity is crucial for beer manufacturers. This
research will propose a GA to solve the scheduling problem in beer production. The proposed
methodology will serve as a planning and analysis tool to utilize assets (tanks, filling lines)
effectively, reduce congestion and synchronize the production process between the two
production stages (liquid preparation and bottling).
Keywords: scheduling, lot sizing, brewery industry, two-stage production, GA.
關鍵字(中) ★ 排程規劃
★ 批量
★ 啤酒工業
★ 兩階段生產法
★ 基因演算法
關鍵字(英) ★ scheduling
★ lot sizing
★ brewery industry
★ two-stage production
★ GA
論文目次 Table of Contents
Acknowlegement ................................................................................................................. i
Abstract .............................................................................................................................. iii
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... iv
Table of Figures ................................................................................................................. vi
List of Tables ................................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER 1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Motivations ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Objectives ....................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Research Framework ...................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 2. Literature Review ..................................................................................... 4
2.1 Scheduling Problems in Industrial Management ............................................ 4
2.1.1 The Job-Shop Scheduling Problem ...................................................................... 5
2.1.2 The Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. ....................................................... 7
2.1.3 The Integrated Operation Sequence and Resource Selection Problem: ............... 8
2.1.4 The Scheduling Problem in Soft Drink and Brewery Industry. ......................... 10
2.2 GA Approach ................................................................................................ 13
2.2.1 GA in General .................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2 GA and Network Modeling ................................................................................ 16
CHAPTER 3. Proposed Methodology........................................................................... 22
3.1 Beer Production Process ............................................................................... 22
3.2 Problem Description and Modeling .............................................................. 23
3.3 Data Collection and Input Design ................................................................ 27
CHAPTER 4. Solution Approach and Sabeco Case Study ........................................... 31
4.1 Tank Types Assignment Result and Introduction to Synchronization between
Tank Types Assignment and Filling Stages ...................................................................... 31
4.2 Data Preparation for Synchronization between the Two Stages. .................. 34
4.3 Synchronization with GA ............................................................................. 35
4.3.1 Genetic Presentation ........................................................................................... 36
4.3.2 Decode the genes to actual plan ......................................................................... 36
4.3.3 Compute fitness of individual genes .................................................................. 38
4.3.4 Genetic operations .............................................................................................. 38
4.3.5 Populated Genetic Algorithm ............................................................................. 40
CHAPTER 5. Experiment and Discussion .................................................................... 42
5.1 Standard Test for the Proposed GA .............................................................. 42
5.1.1 Testing on the Benchmark Problem ................................................................... 43
5.1.2 Test on Simple Brewery Production Problem. ................................................... 45
5.2 The proposed Approach with Industrial Production Scale. .......................... 47
5.2.1 Synchronization between the Two Production Stages ....................................... 47
5.3 Plan Presentation and Validation .................................................................. 49
5.4 Relation between population size, number of generations and fitness ......... 52
5.5 The Relation between Mutate, Crossover and Evolution Process within the
Proposed GA .................................................................................................................... 53
CHAPTER 6. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 54
6.1 New Contributions ........................................................................................ 55
6.2 Limitations and Further Research................................................................. 55
References ........................................................................................................................ 57
Appendices ....................................................................................................................... 60
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指導教授 王啟泰(Chi-Tai Wang) 審核日期 2017-7-17
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