摘要(英) |
Based on the reliaty of the raising trend of Internet of Thing industry, various products which based on the IoT concept were launched into the market. The sales performance is far behind of expectation, but we can see some good cases in the delivered solutions which are combined with different products to fulfill the delicated applications. Taiwan has become the world′s leading information and communications industrial nation in the past few decades, and has the good foundation to develop IoT industry. However, there are several roles in the IoT supply chain need large capital investment. The industrial structure in Taiwan is mainly contributed by small and medium enterprices, how to response the change in IoT market becomes an important task for the small and medium enterprises.
Unlike the large-scale enterprises, the small and medium enterprises in Taiwan have always deliverred the flexibility, reasonable cost and highly productivity to the market and well known in the industry. Although they do not have the huge resources like the large-scale enterprises, they got stable business status in their own domains. The small quantities, diverse product types and innovated applications are the major features in the IoT market, it is possible to gain the profit and compete with large-scale enterprises if the small and medium enterprises are able to form a competitive unit.
This study examines the huge losses incurred by the case firm due to erroneous decisions. After re-assessment the target market, re-positioning of its own role in the supply chain, and re-build the target market value system by applying Porter 5 forces analysis. The case firm created the vertical integration strategy alliance to achieve the goal of earning a place in the lighting and environmental control market.We hope to provide the small and medium enterprises a reference for decision making in the IoT market through this study, and consolidating Taiwan′s position in the information and communication industry in the world |
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