摘要(中) |
國際間通用的六標準差(Six sigma) 與精實生產(Lean Manufacturing)在衆多
升。 現中國車燈零部件供應鍵,因全球化供貨系統的因素,相關企業皆正面臨
的不例外, 本論文研究物件 C 公司為汽車燈具零件製造,是臺商於 1995 年進中
國投資, 2006 2008 年在蘇州投資生產的台資在蘇州投資的台資企業,主要生產
產品為玻璃燈罩,光學透鏡與鑄鋁三大主產品與 PC 透鏡及車燈總成等其他產
品。C 公司生產製造以半自動化為主,各項製程標準化較低,在流程管理中仍存
本文的精神是從精益生產的立點出發,先採用價值流程圖對 C 公司儲存量及生
三個方面改善出發,解決公司生產中的各項實際問題。 此乃有助於個案公司未
選定生產流程之瓶頸製程,作為改善之要項。 |
摘要(英) |
As we know, the Six sigma and lean manufacturing are two great system in the IE. Almost international companies through six sigma and lean manufacturing to improve those manufacturing facility very successfully with huge benefit. It is a great way to help manager to increase manufacturing and supply chain performance. And some one enterprises used six sigma to increase overall quality such as product, processing, service, system..etc . In 21 Century, China manufactures provide the headlight component part to the world. Lid to all manufactures to implement any management system to increase the competitiveness. This essay is focused on C company, the producer of glass shade, lens and optical lens by Taiwan and established Suzhou China. Principle product are glass shade, optical lens, PC lens, and headlight assembling. Course of almost production line are semi-auto system with manual process, let to the management team would like to through lean manufacturing implemented to research their weakness area and to develop new management or process system. Base on the lean manufacturing, to find out storage value during supply chain, value flow chart and provide improving suggestion to management team. 1st step, research whole production processing information to complete Value stream map in order to improve low performance, weak area and high storage value. 2nd step using production line balance to find bottleneck, redesign layout to optimize workshop processing and to enhance change speed with tool & mold. In case, high performance result can be reduce out of stock case happen again.
Key word:Lean manufacturing, VSM, production line balance. |
參考文獻 |
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