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姓名 孟可竹(Munkhzul Dorjsuren)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 應用多時期MODIS衛星影像分析於蒙古地區整合型乾旱強度指標之研究
(Multi-Temporal MODIS Data Analysis for Integrated Drought Severity Index (IDSI) over Mongolia)
★ WVR、GPS及氣球探空觀測可降水量之比較★ GPS斷層掃描估算大氣濕折射係數模式
★ GPS觀測大氣閃爍之研究★ GPS 氣象中地面氣象模式之改進
★ 由GPS信號反演大氣濕折射度之數值模擬★ 近即時GPS觀測可降水技術之研究
★ 利用水氣資訊改善降水估計之研究★ GPS掩星觀測反演與反演誤差探討
★ 微波輻射計數位相關器之設計與實現★ GPS與探空氣球資料觀測可降水量 與降雨之關係
★ 利用GPS訊號估算對流層斜向水氣含量之研究★ 利用遙測影像反演水稻田蒸發散量 之研究
★ 利用MODIS影像反演嘉義地區水稻田蒸發散量之研究★ 利用MODIS影像於水稻田蒸發散之研究
★ 分析以全球定位系統近即時估計可降水之可行性★ 對流層延遲效應與全球定位系統高程定位之研究
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摘要(中) 乾旱指數可用於評估使用氣象測量數據的溫度和降水的干旱檢測。 此外,基於衛星的數據為區域性乾旱事件提供了空間和時間模式。本研究透過MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)衛星影像,監測蒙古地區的乾旱氣候狀況。研究中所發展的乾旱指標,乃運用乾旱嚴重度指標-2(Drought Severity Index-2, DSI2)與整合型乾旱嚴重度指標(Integrated Drought Severity Index, IDSI),並透過計算2000-2013年5月至8月的MODIS衛星資料所建立。這些指標可經由計算MODIS二波段增強型植被指數(Two-band Enhanced Vegetation Index, EVI2)的標準化特徵、地表溫度、蒸發散量與潛勢蒸發散量所求得。上述所提之乾旱嚴重度指標-2(DSI2)是以標準化的蒸發散與潛勢蒸發散比率,及二波段增強型植被指數(EVI2)為基礎所建立。並透過標準化加總的蒸發散與潛勢蒸發比率,以及二波段增強型植被指數與地表溫度比率,進行乾旱嚴重度指標之修正,即為整合型乾旱嚴重度指標(IDSI)。最後,藉由參數特徵計算二波段增強型植被指數與地表溫度的比率,並將此比率整合至乾旱嚴重度指標。除此之外,本研究蒐集並分析長達14年(2000-2013)夏季(5-8月)每月之氣溫、降雨與土壤濕度的現地觀測值(由18個氣象與農業測站取得相關資料)。氣候變數中如發現有異常的現地觀測值,將計算標準化的異常值(Standardized Anomaly),並與乾旱嚴重度指標及整合型乾旱嚴重度指標進行比較。
接續處理多時期MODIS衛星資料的監督式分類。並利用標準化差異方法,分別計算MODIS衛星資料與現地觀測資料。因此,線性頻譜混合分析和變化矢量分析的閾值用於乾旱指數類。統計分析 並計算研究期程內之乾旱嚴重度指標對氣候異常,與整合型乾旱嚴重度指標對氣候異常的相關係數。
比較乾旱嚴重度指標-2(DSI2)與整合型乾旱嚴重度指標(IDSI)的結果發現,整合型乾旱嚴重度指標在分類結果的表現上,略優於乾旱嚴重度指標。於現地觀測值的時間序列分析結果可發現,整合性乾旱嚴重度指標之動力恰可體現(2001、2002、2007與2009年)與豐水時期(2003與2011-2013年)於時間與空間上的發生情況。於詳細的整合型乾旱嚴重度指標動力之空間分析亦可發現,降水最多及最少的年份(即2003與2007年),其空間分布相較其他年份,於本研究地區佔最大影響區域約達60% 和67%。
透過遙測影像與現地觀測資料間之關係,可說明整合型乾旱嚴重度指標對氣候異常值的相關性,高於乾旱嚴重度指標對氣候異常值的相關性。經由18個測站資料所得整合型乾旱嚴重度指標對氣候異常值的相關係數為0.84,並與遙測影像對觀量異常值之結果,具有良好一致性。本論文說明運用MODIS衛星資料之優點,可用來研究乾旱氣候特徵的變異性,對於農業發展與管理的乾旱監測亦十分重要 和乾旱的輸入參數之一。
Drought indices can be used to evaluate drought detection using meteorological measurements data of the temperature and precipitation. Moreover, the satellite-based data provides spatial and temporal patterns for the regional-scale drought occurrences. This dissertation is to investigate the drought detection in relation to climatic condition over Mongolia by using satellite remote sensing imagery, which was acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The drought index was evaluated from the MODIS data acquired during May to August from 2000 to 2013 using the Drought Severity Index-2 (DSI2) and Integrated Drought Severity Index (IDSI) methods. These indices were empirically calculated by standardized characteristics of the MODIS two-band Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI2), Land Surface Temperature (LST), Evapotranspiration (ET), and Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) data. DSI is based on the monthly standardized ET/PET ratio and EVI2 index. The modification of DSI2, IDSI was calculated by standardization of the sum of separately monthly standardized ET/PET ratio and EVI2/LST ratio. Consequently, the ratio between EVI2 and LST was calculated by parameter features and integrated into the DSI2. In addition, fourteen-year summer monthly data for air temperature, precipitation, and soil moisture content of in-situ measurements data from the meteorological and agricultural stations were analyzed. The climatological variables anomaly of in situ measurements was also calculated by standardized anomaly to compare to the DSI2 and IDSI at the eighteen stations.
The multi-temporal of all MODIS data were processed using supervised classification. A standardized anomaly method was also calculated by both MODIS and in situ measurement data. Therefore, the linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA) and the threshold value of change vector analysis (CVA) were used for drought-indices classes. A statistical analysis and Pearson correlation coefficients (r) for the DSI2 versus the climatological anomaly and the IDSI versus the climatological anomaly were computed for the study period.
From the standardized anomaly analysis of in situ measurements, it was shown that the wettest years were 2003 and 2011–2013, while the driest years were 2001, 2002, 2007, and 2009; the rest of the years were normal years. Generally speaking, dry weather implies lower rainfall and higher temperature, so that drought occurred in the years 2002 and 2007. By contrast, wet weather accompanies higher precipitation and lower temperature, such as the years 2003, 2012, and 2013.
For the improvement of the parameters of DSI that is the ratio between MODIS EVI2 and LST, the results showed that the vegetation-temperature feature space was well-defined. This indicated a wide range of surface wetness and drought in the study area. The validation results of EVI2/LST ratio were carried out by comparing EVI2/LST values with monthly rainfall throughout the study area. The comparison results were revealed with good agreement and sensitivity between EVI2/LST ratio and rainfall data. Moreover, ET/PET ratio results found that the relationship between the ET/PET ratio and precipitation has a similar variation in different conditions. It is indicating that the ET/PET ratio reveals a good parameter for detecting wet and drought conditions.
The comparison results between DSI2 and IDSI demonstrated that the IDSI gave slightly better classification results than the DSI2. The modification of DSI2 results was found that IDSI dynamics revealed the spatiotemporal occurrence of dry (2001, 2002, 2007 and 2009) and wet (2003 and 2011–2013) periods as shown in time series analysis of in situ measurements. From a detailed spatial analysis of IDSI dynamics, it was found that the wettest and drought occurred in 2003 and 2007 and occupied the largest region of the study area by about 60% and 67% as compared to other years.
The relationships between remotely sensed and in situ based data indicated that the correlation for IDSI versus climatological anomaly is higher than DSI2 versus climatological anomaly. Correlation coefficients obtained over the eighteen measurement stations between the IDSI and climatological anomaly (r = 0.84) show a good agreement between the satellite-derived and measured anomalies. This dissertation has demonstrated merits of using MODIS data for studying drought variability in relation to climatic characteristics, and is important for drought monitoring in agricultural management and development, and one of an input parameter for drought.
關鍵字(中) ★ 二波段增強型植被指數
★ 地表溫度
★ 蒸散
★ 整合型乾旱嚴重度指標
★ 標準化異常
★ 原位數據
關鍵字(英) ★ MODIS
★  two-band Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI-2)
★  land surface temperature (LST)
★  evapotranspiration (ET)
★  Integrated Drought Severity Index (IDSI)
★  standardized anomaly
★  in situ data
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………viii
LIST OF FIGIRES.……………………………………………………..………..xii
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………...…………..xvi
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS……………………………………...…………xviii
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................1
1.1. Background...................................................................................2
1.2. Statement of the Problem.......................................................4
1.3. Research Objectives...................................................................7
1.3.1. General Objectives..................................................................7
1.3.2. Specific Objectives..................................................................7
1.4. Research Questions...................................................................8
1.5. Structure of the Dissertation..................................................9
CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW.………………….……………….11
2.1. Overview of Meteorological Observations.....................13
2.1.1. Overview of Air Temperature............................................13
2.1.2. Overview of Precipitation...................................................15
2.1.3. Overview of Soil Moisture..................................................15
2.2. Remote Sensing Overview.....................................................16
2.3. Theoretical Description of Remotely Sensed Land Products...19
2.3.1. Overview of Vegetation Indices........................................19 Vegetation Indices Limitations......................................21
2.3.2. Overview of Land Surface Temperature........................21 Land Surface Temperature Limitations......................22
2.3.3. Overview of Evapotranspiration.......................................22
2.4. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)...25
2.4.1. MODIS Vegetation Index Product (MOD13A3)..........28
2.4.2. MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product (MOD11A1).......30
2.4.3. MODIS Evapotranspiration Product (MOD16A3).......31
2.4.4. Overview of MODIS Data Pre-processing.....................32
2.5. Drought .........................................................................................33
2.5.1. Overview....................................................................................33
2.5.2. Drought Impact.......................................................................35
2.5.3. Drought Monitoring..............................................................35 Meteorological Indices.....................................................36 Remote Sensing Indices...................................................37
2.6. Image Method Descriptions..................................................39
2.6.1. Image Pre-processing...........................................................39
2.6.2. Classification.............................................................................40
2.7. Image Analysis.............................................................................42
2.7.1. Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis (LSMA)........................42
2.7.2. Change Vector Analysis (CVA)............................................43 Change Detection of CVA.................................................45
2.8. Summary........................................................................................46
CHAPTER 3. STUDY AREA AND DATA PREPARATION……………………..........................................................48
3.1. Study Area 49
3.1.1. Topography and Land Cover..............................................49
3.1.2. Climate........................................................................................51
3.1.3. Population.................................................................................52
3.2. Data Acquisition and Pre-processing.................................52
3.2.1. MODIS Data..............................................................................53 MODIS EVI2...........................................................................54 MODIS LST.............................................................................57 MODIS ET...............................................................................57
3.2.2. In situ Measurements and Geographical Location Data.........61
CHAPTER 4. METHODOLOGY……………………………………………………....65
4.1. Conceptual Framework............................................................66
4.2. Remotely Sensed Drought Index.........................................67
4.2.1. Drought Severity Index-2 (DSI2).......................................67
4.2.2. Integrated Drought Severity Index (IDSI)......................68
4.3. Drought-Indices Using Supervised Classification and Change Vector Analysis (CVA).......................................................................70
4.4. Drought-Indices Category......................................................71
4.5. Climatological Anomaly of In situ Measurements Data.............72
4.5.1. Anomalies Analysis of Climatic Characteristic.............72
4.5.2. Anomaly Analysis among the Climatological Variables..........73
4.6. Time Series Analysis...................................................................74
4.6.1. Relationship between Drought-Indices and Climatological Anomaly..................................................................................................74
4.6.2. P-value Analysis........................................................................75
5.1. Climatological Variables of In situ Measurements..........77
5.1.1. Climatological Variables among Observation Stations...........77
5.1.2. Climatic Parameter Characteristics....................................79
5.2. Standardized Anomaly of Climatological Variables........81
5.2.1. Climatic Parameter Variability..............................................81
5.2.2. Climatological Anomaly.........................................................83
6.1. MODIS Products Characteristics.............................................85
6.1.1. MODIS EVI2 Patterns...............................................................85
6.1.2. MODIS LST Patterns.................................................................88
6.1.3. MODIS ET/PET Ratio Patterns..............................................90
6.2. EVI2 and LST Relationship.........................................................93
6.2.1. LST-EVI2 Scatter Plots.............................................................93
6.2.2. Ratio of EVI2 to LST..................................................................96
6.2.3. Comparing EVI2/LST Ratio with Precipitation Amount Data...........................................................................................................99
6.2.4. Comparing ET/PET Ratio with Precipitation Amount Data...........................................................................................................100
6.3. Standardized Anomaly of Remotely Sensed Variables.............103
6.3.1. Remotely Sensed Parameter Variability...........................103
6.3.2. Remotely Sensed Drought-Indices Variations...............104
7.1. Anomaly of IDSI and Climatological Variables Variations.......109
7.1.1. Spatiotemporal Variations of IDSI.......................................109
7.1.2. IDSI and Climatological Anomaly Variations among Station Basis.............................................................................................................112
7.2. IDSI and Climatological Anomaly in Wet and Dry Events........116
8.1. Discussion..........................................................................................119
8.2. Conclusions.......................................................................................121

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指導教授 劉說安(Yuei-An Liou) 審核日期 2017-7-19
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