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姓名 曾從恩(Tsung-En Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 小型電離層探測儀電源管理單元
★ 動態視星等之星象辨識演算法★ 太空電漿探針系統
★ 太空離子探測系統★ 微衛星離子探測系統
★ 電子溫度儀在太空電漿模擬艙之量測★ 先進電離層探測儀之機構設計與分析
★ 先進電離層探測儀離子流向推導與校正★ 探空火箭姿態計
★ 先進電離層探測儀地面電子測試設備★ 熱真空測試系統
★ 太空電漿模擬艙自動化監控系統★ 數位式探空火箭姿態量測模組
★ 先進電離層探測儀整合測試系統★ 先進電離層探測儀數位控制單元之研製
★ 探空十號火箭的姿態重建與分析★ 先進電離層雙生儀地面電子測試設備
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摘要(中) INSPIRESat-1 衛星搭載的科學酬載為小型電離層探測儀 (Compact Ionosphere Probe, CIP) ,其主要目的為量測電離層電漿參數,如離子密度、離子組成、離子速度、離子溫度與電子溫度。由於CIP必須安置於3U立方衛星裡面中,其內部空間有限,必須盡可能縮小探測器體積至1U以內。CIP內部主要由三張電路板所疊構而成,而本論文內容主要著重於第三張電路板的開發與研製,稱之為電源管理單元 (Power Management Unit, PMU) 。主要目的為將衛星提供的電源進行轉換並分配至探測器內部三張電路板的電子元件與模組上。由於PMU為探測器的電源核心,內部勢必要有保護機制去避免突波電流或是SEL (Single Event Latch-up) 而危害探測器系統的元件。電路設計是採用 NI Multisim 電路設計軟體與 NI Ultiboard 的電路佈局軟體。參考各項元件的規格書,設計並研製CIP所需要的PMU電路功能。最後透過CIP內部三張電路板的整合並放置於電漿環境中量測電漿資料,驗證其設計與功能的正確性。
CIP (Compact Ionosphere Probe) is the only one science payloads on the INSPIRESat-1. The purpose for CIP is measuring ionophere parameters. Including the ion concentrations、ion velocity、ion temperature and electron temperature. The CIP is seted up in the 3U cubesat. Due to the space limit, it have to minimum the sensor volume into 1U space. In the CIP interior, it is assembled by the three PCBs. The thesis is focus on the development and design of the third PCB. The third PCB is called Power Management Unit (PMU) . The main purpose of the PMU is to let CIP normally operation by convertering the satellite power and distributing the power to the every components in the CIP. PMU also be integrated into the CIP, too. The PMU controls the power system of the CIP. It must have the protection device to avoid the components damage because of inrush current or SEL (Single Event Latch-up) . The circuit design is using the NI Multisim software and the layout is using the NI Ultiboard software. Refering the specification of every components, end then designing the circuit that is correspond to function requirement of the PMU. Finally, combinating the three PCBs and deploying in the plasma enviroment measure the plasma to verify the design and function normally.
關鍵字(中) ★ 小型電離探測儀
★ 浮動電位裝置
★ 電漿量測
關鍵字(英) ★ CIP
★ Compact Ionosphere Probe
★ Floating Potential Device
★ plasma diagnostics
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
1 簡介 1
1.1 先進電離層探測儀 1
1.1.1 探測器結構簡介 2
1.1.2 AIP 探測器電路簡介 3
1.2 小型電離層探測儀 4
1.2.1 CIP 探測器電路簡介 6
2 電源管理單元 9
2.1 功能需求 9
2.2 電路設計 12
2.2.1 電源配置 12 DC/DC 轉換器 13 線性穩壓器 (LDO) 15
2.2.2 過電流保護裝置 16 電流感測器 17 比較器 18 電流持續時間偵測器 18 脈衝產生器 20
2.2.3 浮動電位裝置 22
2.2.4 訊號轉換 26 光耦合器 28 準位轉換器 29
2.2.5 溫度感測計 30
2.3 電路佈局 31
2.3.1 元件放置 32
2.3.2 常見佈局方式 33
2.3.3 PMU 電路板疊構 36
3 功能驗證 40
3.1 輸出電壓 40
3.2 過電流保護裝置 42
3.3 浮動電位裝置 45
3.4 瞬時電流量測 47
4 結論與未來發展 52
參考文獻 53
參考文獻 Analog Device, AD822, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Low Power FET-Input Op Amp (Rev.J).
IPC-2221A General Standard on Printed Board Design.
The ROCSAT-1 IPEI CDR documents.
International IRF7105 Spcification.
Texas Instrument, LM193、LM293、LM393、LM2903, Dual Differential Comparators (Rev. Y).
Texas Instrument LM340/LM78XX Series 3-Terminal Positive Regulators (Rev. L).
Linear Technology, LT1763 Series, 500mA, Low Noise, LDO Micropower Regulators.
Linear Technology, LT6105, Precision, Extended Input Range Current Sense Amplifier.
Linear Technology LTC6993-1/LTC6993-2/LTC6993-3/LTC6993-4 - TimerBlox : Monostable
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Linear Technology LTC6994-1/LTC6994-2 - TimerBlox : Delay Block/ Debouncer, b.
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RECOM, RW-S Series Specification, b.
Texas Instrument, SN74LVC1T45, Single-Bit Dual-Supply Bus Transceiver (Rev. L).
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Richtek Technology, 2014.
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指導教授 趙吉光(Chi-Kuang Chao) 審核日期 2017-8-8
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