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姓名 湯凱翔(Kai-Hsiang Tang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
(Cell motility: active gel coupled to adhesion sites)
★ 鍺銻碲相變化奈米薄膜之奈米尺度光熱性質的研究★ 波在一維系統中的傳播與局域化
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★ Modeling geometrical trajectories of actin-based motility★ 隨機布耳網路在多連線且臨界情形下的特性
★ 模擬脂質雙層膜上的分子機器★ 組織動力學之建模
★ Agent-based model for an order-driven market: herding effect, limit order strategies, and volatility enhanced trading activities★ Dynamics of the free boundary of a monolayer cell sheet
★ Onset of movement in a one-dimensional active gel model of cell motility★ Hydrodynamics and spontaneous flow of active permeating polar gels
★ Complex one-dimensional motion in complex soft matter systems★ Bacterial chemotaxis in random environment
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摘要(中) 細胞在表面上爬行是藉由肌動蛋白細胞骨架、肌凝蛋白、細胞膜以及細胞和基板之間的鍵
摘要(英) Cell crawling on
at substrates is a coordinated movement regulated by actin cytoskeleton,
myosin motors, cell membrane, and cell-substrate adhesion sites. Recent experimental advances
provided much information on cell crawling for theoretical modeling. However, most
of the theoretical models emphasized the roles played by the cytoskeleton, while experimental
probes reported force exerted on the substrate through the adhesion sites.
In this thesis, we use a simple one-dimensional active gel coupled to adhesion sites to
model the basic physics of cell crawling. In this model, we rst study the e ect of myosin
di usion on the distribution of slip bonds and catch bonds between cell and substrate.
After that, various migratory behaviors for cells with catch bonds are simulated by varying
contractility, binding energy, polymerization rate, and degree of cell polarization induced
by cytosol
ow asymmetry. The result points out that the motility of a cell is enhanced
when polymerization rate, contractility, or cell polarizability increases. One of the migratory
behavior is periodic migration. In previous theoretical studies, such behavior has only been
found when cell motility is coupled to the dynamics of actin polymerization activators that
is not included in our model. In our model, this state arises only for a cell with slow myosin
di usion, and it occurs between moving and rest states. Di erent from the slow myosin
di usion case, when the cell motility increases, a cell with fast-di using myosin motors
simply changes from rest to moving state. Finally, multipole expansion of traction force
shows that the force quadrupole vanishes in the rest state, and in the moving state has a
direction opposite to cell velocity. On the other hand, the force dipole is strongly correlated
to cell length.
關鍵字(中) ★ 細胞爬行
★ 多極分析
★ 週期性來回移動
關鍵字(英) ★ Cell motility
★ Cell crawling
★ Active gel
★ Actin cytoskeleton
★ Multipole expansion
★ Periodic migration
論文目次 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Biological background 1
1.2 Motivation 4
2 Model 6
2.1 Force balance 7
2.2 Time evolution 8
2.2.1 Myosin density 8
2.2.2 Bond density 9
2.3 Polymerization rate 9
2.4 Boundary conditions 10
2.4.1 Cell length 11
2.4.2 Polymerization at cell ends 11
2.4.3 Myosin flux at cell ends 12
2.5 Computational model 12
2.5.1 Force balance equation 12
2.5.2 Myosin density equation 13
2.5.3 Bond density equation 14
2.6 Simulation process 15
3 Result 17
3.1 Distribution of cell-substrate bonds 17
3.2 Steady state: rest, moving and periodic migrating cells 18
3.3 Traction force analysis 22
3.4 Periodic motion 25
4 Conclusion and Future work 31
A Myosin distribution, bond density, and ow eld 34
B The case for k2 = 0 37
Bibliography 39
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指導教授 陳宣毅(Hsuan-Yi Chen) 審核日期 2017-8-17
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