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姓名 羅珮瑜(Pei-Yu Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 iPad上市後對筆記型電腦的影響及因應策略之研究-以hp公司為例
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摘要(中) 論文摘要
本研究透過產業分析了解電子科技業的發展背景和現況,其次為總體環境分析探討時空背景下社會環境的變遷沿革、最後應用SWOT分析深入探討目標個案公司,利用個案公司擁有穩定客戶群和大量員工人數以及橫跨各領域事業版圖做為優勢,把握跨足雲端服務和3D列印等新商機和服務,消除頻繁裁員造成的人心惶惶和了無新意的產品線劣勢,並透過新的 商機與服務,跳脫個人電腦市場的紅海,為公司創新的泉源注入一道活水,進而提出個案公司未來發展的方向和建議。
1. hp公司透過改善iPad不足之處,成功開發變型筆記型電腦。
2. hp公司透過員工的腦力激盪以及跨界合作作為公司創新策略。
3. hp公司將著重於雲端與互連網開發為未來發展方向。
1. 建議hp公司加強售後服務功能,透過傾聽客戶的反饋成為產品改善的動力。
2. 後續研究建議加入各家不同筆記型電腦廠商,延伸研究廣度與深度。
3. 建議後續研究按照產品生命週期的變化發展不同的分析與構想。

With information technology progress, today′s innovative technology products are out-dated tomorrow. The product difference between different brands are getting smaller. After iPad was launched by Apple, the NB market showed explosive changes. Therefore, there are so many discussions and analysis in the NB market focus on whether the products of Apple will decrease market share of NB, even replace it. So this study is to explore the impact on the NB market after iPad’s launching.
The first step of this study was to realize IT industry’s development background and current situation by industry analysis. Second, apply PEST analysis to figure out IT industry’s evolution under social environment’s change. Then, apply SWOT analysis with hp as case study. Our findings are hp can use its stable customer base and lots of employees from crossing domains to develop its new business chances of cloud computing and 3D printing, and to eliminate frequently layoff leading to uneasy between employees and platitude of products. Hence, hp can jump out from the highly competitive NB market to pursue blue ocean through innovative ideal as company’s motivation for its future development.
From study and analysis, the conclusion are as following:
1. hp successfully developed transforming NB by improving iPad’s disadvantages.
2. hp used encouraging employees’ brainstorming and incorporate with crossing domains as innovative strategies.
3. hp will focus on cloud and IOT as future development direction.
On the other side, the suggestion for case company and future study are as following:
1. Suggest hp to enhance customer service by collecting customer’s feedback for product improvement.
2. Suggest to add different NB companies to expend depth and breadth of studies in the future.
3. Suggest to develop different analysis and ideas according to the changes of product life cycle.
Keywords: iPad、NB、hp、SWOT analysis
關鍵字(中) ★ 筆記型電腦
★ SWOT分析
關鍵字(英) ★ iPad
★ hp
第一章緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究流程 3
第二章文獻探討 5
2.1筆記型電腦委外代工模式 5
2.2客製化 8
2.3產品生命週期 12
第三章研究方法 17
3.1 研究架構 17
3.2研究方法 18
3.3研究對象 19
第四章產業分析與個案研究 21
4.1 產業環境分析 21
4.2 個案公司概況 30
4.3 iPad上市對hp 筆記型電腦的影響 46
第五章結論與建議 59
5.1結論 59
5.2 建議 60
5.3 研究限制 61


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〔4〕Boynton, Andrew C.(1992); Victor, Bart; Pine, Joe; and Eaker, Mark, "The Post-Fordist transformation: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE"

〔5〕Co-opting customer competence, CK Prahalad, V Ramaswamy, Harvard business review 78 (1), 79-90

〔6〕Kotler, P. (1991), Marketing management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control, 7th ed., New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

〔1〕香港貿易發展局:Study on OEM, ODM and OBM: Extending the Supply Chain with Added Value。2008年,取自http://aboutus.hktdc.com/tc/#home
〔2〕蘋果公司網站: 供應商責任。2017年,取自https://www.apple.com/tw//?afid=p238%7Csd9nZSawW-dc_mtid_18707vxu38484_pcrid_169699630457_&cid=aos-tw-kwgo-brand--slid-


〔4〕IC insights網站: 2008年,取自http://www.icinsights.com/

〔5〕IDC 網站: 2010年,取自http://www.idc.com/

〔6〕Gartner 網站: 2011年-2016年,取自http://www.idc.com/

〔7〕美國政策國家基金會網站: 2016年,取自http://nfap.com/

〔8〕國際貨幣基金組織: 2016-2021年,取自http://www.imf.org/external/index.htm






指導教授 李小梅、吳庭斌 審核日期 2017-6-19
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