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姓名 賴俊麟(Chun-Lin Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 台灣銀行業轉型策略之探討
★ 台 灣 金 融 業 併 購 之 成 效 分 析 – 以 開 發 金 併 購 萬 泰 銀 行 為 例★ 企業購併宣告對股東財富效果之影響-以台灣金融業為例
★ 半導體產業購併對股東財富效果之影響-以聯發科公司為例★ 金融科技對台灣金融業之影響-以線上貸款為例
★ 銀行授信違約風險-財務比率評分之預警效果★ 董事會性別多樣性與現金持有比例之關聯性-以上市公司為例
★ 所得稅制優化修正與兩稅合一廢除之影響★ 中國A股正式納入MSCI指數之異常報酬探討
★ 公司併購之經營績效分析-以某併購案為例★ 美國量化寬鬆政策對金融市場及商品市場的影響
★ 以平衡計分卡觀點建構組織策略地圖—以個案公司為例★ 電子暨光學產業之採購經理人指數與月營收的關聯性:以台灣半導體產業為例
★ 金融資產種類與衡量方法對企業經營之影響★ 會計及稽核主管異動與公司治理之關聯性
★ 自願及強制集保閉鎖期結束後對股價異常報酬之影響-以科技公司申請新股上市為例★ COVID-19疫情對全球航空產業營運之影響–以中華航空為例
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摘要(中) 依據中央銀行106年2月本國銀行家數統計,台灣現有本國銀行家數多達40家,銀行業競爭之激烈可見一斑。產業競爭者眾,環境景氣不佳、利差偏低,銀行面臨更高的經營風險下,卻沒有辦法賺取相對的利潤來鞏固資本外,目前更面臨數位金融(Fintech)興起所帶來的改變,資通訊(ICT)、網路電商業者等跨業競爭的新對手興起,可謂如臨大敵,而傳統銀行該選擇何種競爭策略、實體銀行該如何轉型、銀行該如何變革、創新等是本研究探討重點。


According to statistics provided by Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan), there were no less than 40 domestic banks in Taiwan as of February 2017, showing the fierce competition among banks. Nowadays, Taiwanese banks face higher business risks due to many competitors, difficult economic environment and lower profits from interest rate spreads. They cannot shore up their capital base and grow profits accordingly. Furthermore, they are being increasingly threatened by ICT and E-commerce since the rise of FinTech has forced them to rethink their strategies in respond to cross-industry competition. Therefore, the focus of this study was to investigate traditional banks’ competitive strategies, how banking entities transform their operations and how traditional banks transform and innovate in their business models.

The study was based on case studies and introduced the service–profit chain (SPC) theory as primary theoretical base. It was covered the sample banks’ current service standards, transformation strategies and current business situation. Since Starbucks was acknowledged as a best example of the SPC model, a comparison of Starbucks and the sample banks was conducted in order to find out weak areas of these banks. Besides, Michael Porter′s five forces and SWOT analysis were applied to discuss the sample banks’ strategic directions. Some strategies and suggestions for the banks’ physical outlets and transformation journey were provided by interviewing with related bank employees. It is concluded the following points:

1.) Enlist local and international talents to enhance competitiveness of banks.
2.) Strengthen their support system; provide sufficient resources; improve
internal services quality
3.) Continue to maintain existing market share; expand cross-border foreign
exchange business; create effective market segmentation
4.) Leverage their own resources; invest heavily in digital, FinTech and the
future bank; develop new business and market
5.) Aggressively ramp up overseas expansion by mergers and acquisitions and/or participation shares prudently.

The study also offers direct insight into how to improve internal service quality, how to transform physical outlet service, and how traditional banks transform, innovate and make a creative working environment. It is expected that Taiwanese banks with higher internal service quality will create a better value chain, differentiation service and values for making market segmentations (unlike other banks) as well as enhancing their competitive edge.
關鍵字(中) ★ 服務利潤鏈
★ 內部服務品質
★ 銀行轉型策略
★ 星巴克
★ 差異化
關鍵字(英) ★ Service–Profit Chain
★ Internal Services Quality
★ Bank Transformation Strategies
★ Starbucks
★ Differentiation
論文目次 壹 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究目的 8
第三節 研究範圍 9
第四節 研究流程 9
貳 文獻探討 11
第一節 競爭策略 11
第二節 服務利潤鏈 24
第三節 內部服務品質 26
第四節 組織創新模型 27
參 服務利潤鏈典範探討 30
第一節 星巴克簡介 30
第二節 星巴克顧客服務之營運模式 32
第三節 複製星巴克 39
肆 研究方法 43
第一節 研究問題 43
第二節 研究方法 43
第三節 研究對象 45
伍 個案研究 46
第一節 個案銀行簡述 46
第二節 個案銀行重要事紀 47
第三節 個案銀行組織系統圖 51
第四節 個案銀行經營績效 52
第五節 個案銀行現行服務五心模式 55
第六節 個案銀行前台轉型策略 60
第七節 個案銀行SWOT分析 63
第八節 個案銀行五力分析 65
第九節 個案銀行轉型現況及問題探討 68
陸 結論與建議 74
第一節 結論 74
第二節 組織的創新變革、組織文化的形成 81
第三節 研究限制 86
第四節 後續研究方向與建議 86
柒 參考文獻 87
捌 附錄 94
附錄一 金融從業人員個案訪談問題 94
附錄二 金融從業人員個案訪談紀錄 95
附錄三 本國銀行資產報酬率與淨值報酬率 109
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指導教授 王曉雯 審核日期 2017-7-5
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