摘要(英) |
Taiwan’s banking industry has long entered its mature phase, with many financial institutions and bank operators, such that it can be said there has been persistent overbanking, as banks seeking to ensure their own stability and continued growth, have begun to deploy low profit margin operations. As bank operators seek operational innovation, they have begun varied wealth management marketing strategies, aiming to achieve additional banking income from process fees.
This paper explores a case study of TF Bank and S Bank, with qualitative research on secondary data collection and in-depth expert interviews with wealth management professionals, discussing TF Bank and S Bank operational status, scope of operations, and marketing strategies, while also conducting a literature review of wealth management studies, collating the wealth management operations critical success factors, and comparing and evaluating efficacy of these variables for the two banks, and also analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the two banks’ promotion of wealth management activities. Finally, categorization and integration of the discussion is offered, and proposed recommendations for S Bank as to new operations positioning and innovative marketing strategies are elucidated.
This study resulted in three recommendations for S Bank marketing strategies: (1) marketing refers to efficaciously satisfying client requirements; (2) develop long term relations with clients, and assiduously endeavor to enhance bonds with clients; and (3) deploying appropriate recognition, reward and promotion systems and methods are critical. The paper also elicited recommendations for growth and development of the case study banks for future wealth management operations: (1) in conjunction with the changing era, endeavor to develop innovative products and services; (2) adequately use information technology, to enhance Big Data analytics capabilities, so as to achieve streamlined and targeted marketing objectives; and (3) enhance the quality and attitudes of wealth management professionals. It is hoped that this study’s recommendations will assist S Bank in enhancing their competitive strength and serve as a useful reference for future operations. |
參考文獻 |
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