摘要(英) |
Recently, intangible assets has become a important part of corporations’ value, so how to get the most appropriate “purchase price allocation”(called PPA) is a important issue for enterprises. People have much attention on that ASE that has the most market share in global packaging and testing industry merges SPIL that ranked third in the industry, and related studies about the valuation of intangible assets with merges and acquisitions in packaging and testing industry is almost none.Therefore, the purpose of this case study is that provide a contribution about valuing intangible asset for the field of research.
The study uses “relief from royalty method” and “excess earnings business valuation method” that belonged to two ways of income approach method to value SPIL’s intangible assets ,and shows a good PPA example in practice.The study’s result shows goodwill value is from 77.1 billion down to more than 20 billion, also implies the risk of goodwill impairment of financial statement to decrease very much. As a result, recognizing and valuing intangible assets correctly indeed can get a better benefit for PPA in M&A. |
參考文獻 |
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