姓名 |
沈濤(Tao Shen)
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財務金融學系在職專班 |
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經理人不當行為是否影響授信風險 (Would Misbehaving of managers affect the risk of credit)
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摘要(中) |
實證結果證明A部門經理人的不當行為的確可導致營業單位授信違約案件增加,甚至若不加以改善,授信單位結束或重整,在過往銀行發生的實務上,屢見不鮮,需慎之、畏之。 |
摘要(英) |
The study conducts an empirical analysis, which is taking totally 5552 primary data of A financial institutions, corporate finance department, year from 2013 to 2016. Each month is divided into two samples, a total of 48 samples, and uses T -tests: two sample average difference test, assuming that the number of variants are not equal and operating the left-tailed test. The extraction variables are the "performance rate", " And “the number of incoming cases", “approval rate”, “the number of default cases”, and test the relationship between cause and effect and consequently the result can find out whether the manager has the behavior of risk pursuing. Therefore, this study assumes that if the performance rate in the first half of each month is lower than the target or the number of incoming cases below the average, the SMEs department managers will exert pressure on the credit grantors to improve the approval rate; if this happens in the long term, the credit Quality is bound to decline, the “cause” and “effect” of the reason for the poor quality of credit described as above is the hypothesis of this study.
The empirical result proves that the misbehaving of the A department manager can lead to the increase in the number of cases of credit defaults, even if the situation is not improved, it will result in the termination or re-organization of the credit unit. In the past bank practice, there are cases keeping happening, bank indeed need to be careful and cautious on this. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 授信風險 ★ 授信行為 ★ 授信品質 ★ 金融機構治理 |
關鍵字(英) |
論文目次 |
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目 錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章 緒 論 1
1-1 研究動機 4
1-2 研究目的 6
1-3 授信資產定義 9
1-4 研究架構及流程 10
第二章 文獻探討 12
2-1 影響授信品質因素相關文獻 13
2-2 授信行為之相關文獻 15
2-3 金融機構治理相關文獻 17
第三章 研究方法 19
3-1 資料來源整理 19
3-2 績效達成、獎懲方式及組織架構 20
3-3 違約案件定義及如何檢定A部門經理人之風險偏好 21
3-4 研究假設及檢定方式 22
第四章 實證結果與分析 25
4-1 樣本資料敘述 25
4-2 敘述統計 28
4-3 實證結果分析 33
第五章 結論與建議 37
5-1 結論 37
5-2 建議 40
參考文獻 43 |
參考文獻 |
Gervais, Simon, James B. Heaton, and Terrance Odean (2011), “Overcon-fidence, Compensation Contracts, and Capital Budgeting,” Journal of Finance, 66, 1725–1777.
Jensen, M. C. and W. H. Meckling (1976),“Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Cost and Ownership Structure” Journal of Financial Economics, 3, 305-360.
Lichtenstein, Sarah, Baruch Fischhoff, and Phillips (1982), Calibration of Probabilities: The State of the Art to 1980, Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- versity Press.
Van Order, R. (1990),“ The hazard of default.” Secondary Mortgage Market, 23, 357-361.
經濟部中小企業處(2016),「中小企業白皮書」,經濟部中小企業處編。 |
指導教授 |
徐政義(Cheng-Yi Shiu)
審核日期 |
2017-7-24 |
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