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姓名 楊千毅(Chien-I Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 台北市不動產仲介經營分析
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摘要(中) 2004~2014這10年,台灣的房地產市場蓬勃發展,房屋仲介公司門店如雨後春筍般快速成長,但政府的房市政策是影響國內房市價量變化的主要因素,這幾年政府接連推行奢侈稅(2011)、實價登錄(2012),以及房地合一稅(2016),對國內房市成交量產生極大的變化,尤其以台北市影響更甚,台北市年房屋買賣移轉件數從近五萬棟的高峰跌到二萬多棟的谷底,導致房仲店大量關店,房仲業人員薪資急凍,造成了現況不動產仲介業者在經營上面臨了十年來最大的挑戰。
本研究透過 SCP(結構-行為-績效)架構,進行台北市不動產仲介業之經營分析及探討,如何在競爭激烈的市場環境與政府相關打房政策及營業規範下,找出新的房屋仲介業經營型態以繼續保持獲利及成長。從研究結果中發現,不少台北市不動產仲介業者的經營因抵不過店租、人事成本的沉重負擔而暫時歇業或選擇退出房屋仲介業不再繼續經營。不動產仲介業在前景不被看好的情況下造成二個現象:一、產業的從業人員轉業。二、各家不動產仲介房屋公司招募不易。
摘要(英) 2004~2014 this 10 years, Taiwan of real estate market flourish, housing intermediary company stores as have sprung up like fast growth, but Government of housing policy is effect domestic housing price volume changes of main factors, this years government series implementation luxury tax (2011), and prices login (2012), and room to one tax (2016), on domestic housing volume produced great of changes, especially to Taipei City effect more is, Taipei′s annual House sale transfer number dropped from the peak of nearly 50,000 to more than 20,000 at the bottom, leading to Jones Lang LaSalle stores a lot of close, Fang Zhongye frozen staff salaries, resulting in a status of real estate agencies in business faces the greatest challenge in a decade.
This study through the SCP (structure-conduct-performance) architecture, business analysis and discussion of the real estate agency in Taipei, in a highly competitive market environment and under relevant government policy and business, find new homes agency management styles to keep profit and growth. Results from the study found that Taipei City but arrived in stores in managing the real estate agency rents, the heavy burden of personnel costs and temporary closures or discontinue opt-out housing businesses. Real estate agencies in not promising circumstances cause two phenomena: in China, industry jobs. Second, the mediation of real estate housing companies recruiting isn′t easy.
Taipei City real estate trading volume in the industry now facing shrinking market environment should contain recommendations, joined the community at the headquarters, and lowered the monthly fee that Fang Zhong shop owners can reduce the operating pressure to continue to operate. Major League II, housing intermediaries, the Fang Zhong joined the system resources should be effectively integrated mechanism and the establishment of a complete circulation sold approach each other to keep warm, and shared growth. Third, the savings to reduce costs, stores raise customers ′ benefits than ever before, conversion shops location, reduce store rental costs. Four, master the rigid demand of self-use buyers, this two-year private clients have become mainstream, can stand in for personal use is envisaged, will be able to grasp the customer market without being eliminated. Five thinking changes, Fang Zhong headquarters, headquarters, headquarters of the da Fang Zhong increased frequency of counselling and care to shop at the right time, and collect the stores ′ needs better logistical support and stores East or outlets long revolutionary feelings of total war, and spent the winter ahead, towards a brighter future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 房地產 關鍵字(英) ★ real estate market
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景及動機 1
1-2研究目的 3
1-3研究方法 3
1-4研究架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第三章 台灣不動產仲介業的發展及現況 14
3-1不動產仲介業的定義 14
3-2 台灣不動產仲介業的發展 16
3-3 台北市不動產仲介業的現況 22
第四章 台北市房屋仲介業之經營策略分析 26
4.1 台北市不動產仲介業之基本經濟條件(供給VS需求)分析 26
4.2 台北市不動產仲介業之市場結構分析 32
4.3 台北市不動產仲介業之廠商行為 39
4.4台北市不動產仲介業之績效分析 43
第五章 結論與建議 51
5.1 研究結論 51
5.2 研究建議 53
參考文獻 55
中文部分 55
參考網站 56
參考文獻 中文部分

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1. 內政部實價查詢服務網,http://lvr.land.moi.gov.tw/homePage.action
2. 台北市不動產仲介經紀商業同業公會,http://www.taipeihouse.org.tw/
3. 中華民國不動產經紀商業同業公會,http://www.taiwanhouse.org.tw/
4. 信義房屋官網,http://www.sinyi.com.tw/
5. 永慶房屋官網,http://www.yungching.com.tw/
6. 東森房屋官網,http://www.etwarm.com.tw/
7. 台灣房屋官網,http://www.twhg.com.tw/
8. 中信房屋官網,http://www.cthouse.com.tw/
指導教授 吳大任 審核日期 2017-5-22
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