摘要(英) |
Facing increasing competition and demand for quality production, organizations have to transform the current labor-intensive manufacturing into more automated operations. One of the solutions will be to automate production processes.
The production process of Back Light Units consists of two main phases: design and assembly. First, it is essential that the product design, including the associated optics, tools, and structure, has to be verified by the client before the design is passed on for mass production. Second, the assembly process is most complicated due to its strong reliance on labor force. Given the increasing labor cost, organizations attempt to replace traditional factories with automatic machineries that can work non-stop.
A case study was conducted to examine how R Company automated its production processes of the backlight unit by deploying Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) on its production lines. This study indicates that AOI not only guarantees product quality and process accountability, but also reduces labor cost. |
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