摘要(英) |
It has been over five decades, ever since the American and the Japanese came to Taiwan and established the first PCB company in1960s. From 1980 to 1990 was the golden age for PCB industry in Taiwan. However the PCB manufacturers were start moving to mainland China, due to the PCB industry are considering as a high pollution, high energy consumption and the labor-intensive industry. In the past ten years, the major PCB makers from Taiwan were took benefit from the preferential investment policies by Chinese government. Also benefit by the low labor costs and leading technology advantages, plus the Taiwanese base ODM companies’ fine cooperation, makes the revenue and profit of Taiwanese PCB makers were back to the peak again as the 90s.
However, the Chinese “Red supply chain” has been raised in these five years. The china base PCB makers had not only improved the capability and expended the facilities, but also driven up by the facts of Chinese brand companies building up the China local supply chain intentionally. Now, many China base PCB makers already had the ability to take the order from company such “Apple”, and also entered the AVL of the international brands companies. Moreover, many Taiwan base major ODM companies has approved the “Red supply chain” companies into their vendor list, which make Taiwan base PCB makers feel lots of pressure
This thesis research takes H Company as the case study. By analyze the target market of H company and how does the China base company took the market share from H company by creating advantages. In this study, the “Five Forces Model” was used to analyze the industry; SWOT analysis was used to investigate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of H Company and the “red supply chain” vendors.
The result shows that, the H company has better advantage than the companies of “Red supply chain” after adjustments applied in recently years. However, since the market demand still less than supply, it causing the selling price will continue to decline. The China base company will keep follow and pursuit H Company in 3C market and the PCB industry is expecting to have a harder competition each year.
The case company will face more difficult challenges in the future, so, continuously upgrade technology and keep the distance from competitors are extremely necessary. In addition, early plan for high-end technology and production upgrading is required. As long as H company keeps revenue and profit growth and continues to upgrade the capability and technology. The Case company can achieve the sustainable growth and sustainable management. |
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3. 瀚宇博德股份有限公司網址 http://www.hannstarboard.com/
4.電子時報 http://www.digitimes.com.tw/
5.IEK 產業情報網 http://www.ieknet.iek.org.tw/
6.台灣電路板協會 http://www.tpca.org.tw/
10.天下雜誌http://www.cw.com.tw/ |