摘要(英) |
This study aimed to examine the influence of stock price of Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs) and defendant firms around the filing of a patent lawsuit filed by PAEs. Using stock market event study method as the empirical model, we find that there exists a negative significant abnormal returns for PAEs at the date it file a lawsuit. Furthermore, we use the data only if the plaintiff are publicly listed PAEs and the defendant are either publicly listed company. There exists negative influences for both the defendant and plaintiff at the date PAEs file a patent lawsuit.
Moreover, we classify the patent lawsuit into defendant win, claimant win and reconciliation by the outcome of the patent litigation to examine the impact of stock price of PAEs at the date it file a lawsuit or the date that lawsuit terminated. The empirical results of this paper show that there exists a positive significant influence to the stock price of the patent assertion entities either at the date of filing the patent litigation or the date the lawsuit terminated. When case resolution of the lawsuit is reconciliation, there exists a negative significant effect of the stock price of the patent assertion entities at the day of filing the lawsuit. |
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