博碩士論文 944404003 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡萬春(Wan-Chun Cai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 中國近代科學發展之研究
★ 公平交易法對多層次傳銷定義之研究 -「給付一定代價」是否應予保留★ 產業群聚與ICT、電子商務技術擴散-以臺灣製造業為例
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★ 租稅幻覺與已婚婦女勞動供給之影響★ 宗教認知對修行投入時間影響之探討
★ 退休金給付制度及強制退休時點與員工互動之探討★ 台灣管理階層薪資結構 Tournament Theory 之實證研究
★ 人才移動、家庭遷移與技術移轉-以台商在上海地區就職為例★ 電子商務消費者行為計量分析
★ 台灣B2C電子商務市場商品價格變動因素之探討—兼論虛擬市場與實體市場間之整合★ 高科技產業垂直分工與群聚效果之分析—以新竹科學園區為例
★ 電信不對稱管制之研究★ 臺灣地區大學教育報酬率時間變化趨勢之分析
★ 肢體障礙勞工教育與就業狀況之探討 -以傳訊理論與歧視理論為基礎★ 教育的信號功能分析─以國內事業單位為例
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摘要(中) 本研究以中國為主要觀察對象,探討下列三個子題:首先,本研究以中國1999年至2007年收錄於《科學引文索引》之文獻作為分析標的,以文獻計量學的觀點觀察中國科學發展。其次,本研究進一步探討中國科學研究的學術合作與發展。最後,本研究將進一步探討中國及臺灣其在科學與其技術間彼此之互動關係。
This research consists of three parts. In the first part, we performed a bibliometric analysis of published research papers in China; and in our second part of research, we provided an evidence to show that co-authorship can have a positive impacts on the quality of published articles. In our third part, we explore the character and pattern of the linkage between science and technology both in China and Taiwan.
The first part described a bibliometric study of the collaboration in China during 1999-2007 as represented by China’s co-authored articles indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded. The results show that the literature in China during this period is growing rapidly, and the percentage of collaboration increased over the period. At the institution level, we also find that cooperation patterns between universities was most common.
The primary aim of the second part in this paper is to measures of co-authorship referring to knowledge networking in the estimation of a knowledge production function model for the regions of China. The results showed that both domestic and international co-authorship have had positive effects on published article levels in China. The research literature production is increasing, together with publication quality indicators. We also find that researcher intensity, knowledge base and policy variables all have positive significant impacts on the quality of published articles.
In third part of this thesis, the study discusses science and technology interaction by using China′s and Taiwan’s patents and scientific literatures respectively during the period of 1998 to 2012. The evidence indicates that although development processes between science and technology in the field of science are not the same for Taiwan and China but our empirical results suggest that they science is really taking the leading role for all technological development.
關鍵字(中) ★ 文獻計量學
★ 知識生產函數
★ S曲線
關鍵字(英) ★ bibliometric
★ co-authorship
★ Cobb-Douglas
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 以文獻計量學的觀點觀察中國科學發展 9
2-1 前言 9
2-2 文獻回顧 10
2-3 資料與分析結果 12
2-3-1 文獻數量分析 12
2.3.2 文獻作者分析 14
2-3-3 合作國家及地區分析 16
2-3-4 合作模式分析 21
2-3-5 重點區域分析-北京市 25
2-3-5-1 北京市合作模式分析 28
2-3-6 以科學領域分析合作特色 29
2-3-6-1 農業 29
2-3-6-2 生物與生化科學 31
2-3-6-3 工程學 32
2-3-6-4 化學 34
2-3-6-5 太空科學 36
2-3-6-6 物理學 37
2-3-6-6 電腦科學 39
2-3-6-6 臨床醫學 41
2-4 結論 43
第三章 中國科學研究的學術合作與發展 47
3-1 前言 47
3-2 文獻回顧 48
3-3 資料與模型設定 51
3-4 實證結果 55
3-5 結論 60
第四章 科學與技術之互動關聯性之觀察-以臺灣及中國為例 63
4-1 前言 63
4-2 文獻回顧 64
4-2-1 科學與技術之連結 65
4-2-2 技術生命週期及S曲線 66
4-3 資料與分析 68
4-4 實證結果 70
4-4-1 中國農業 71
4-4-2 臺灣農業 75
4-4-3 中國醫學科學 78
4-4-4 臺灣醫學科學 81
4-4-5 中國自然科學 85
4-4-6 臺灣自然科學 89
4-4-7 中國工程與技術科學 92
4-4-8 臺灣工程與技術科學 96
4-4-9 相關係數分析 100
4-5 結論 101
第五章 總結 105
參考文獻 116

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指導教授 單驥、劉孟俊(Gee San Meng-Chun Liu) 審核日期 2017-8-25
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