摘要(英) |
For children with developmental delayed, it is very important to be early diagnosed and have interventional therapy. From birth to six years old, it is the fastest period when a human being develop numerous of his sensory basis. Early interventional therapy can help children develop well. And also to avoid the heavy burden from future medical treatment. In the task of early diagnosis and therapy, it’s not a single job for any kind of specialist like teacher, doctor or therapist. The most important concept is to build the trans-disciplinary cooperation. Therefore, the focus of this project is going to assist therapist to teach the children with cognitive disorders. We are going to use the three-dimensional model projected by the system to capture children’s attention and to guide them focus on the current task. Through the interaction with 3D model, the sensory of children can be stimulated. The stimulations help children understand the meaning from vocabulary, sentence to context step by step. The stimulations also help children to improve the lack of focus, communication and cognitive impairment problems. At the same time, improving the coordination of physical development. |
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