博碩士論文 104232004 詳細資訊


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姓名 黃立維(Li-Wei Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 照明與顯示科技研究所
論文名稱 影像處理應用於非均勻材料之熱傳導分析
(Application of Image Processing in Heat Conduction Analysis of Composite nonuniform)
★ 以化學製程製備奈米級二氧化鈦並研究其親水性及測試其除霧效果★ 複合陣列微透鏡對LED整體出光效率優化設計之研究
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★ 光電星雲生物晶片之製作★ 電場控制器光學應用
★ 手機照相鏡頭設計★ 氣功靜坐法對於人體生理現象影響之研究
★ 針刺及止痛在大鼠模型的痛覺量測系統★ 新光學三角量測系統與應用
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摘要(中) 本研究主要是建立一套影像處理應用於非均勻材料之熱傳導分析系統,先把非均勻材料樣品解剖利用電子顯微鏡(SEM)拍攝其縱向面,並搭配影像處理分析其縱向面之結構圖,再加以輸入至COMSOL模擬軟體中來模擬非均勻材料樣品的熱傳導分析,可以利用多種非均勻材料的個別熱傳導係數透過熱傳導模擬去計算非均勻材料的整體熱傳導係數,不用透過實際量測的方式即可知道非均勻材料的熱傳導係數與熱阻值,在非均勻材料研究上可以更直觀的了解熱的傳導,將會有更多更好的產品出現。

This study is to establish a set of image processing applied to the thermal conductivity of the composite material analysis system. The longitudinal surface of the composite sample was first analyzed by electron microscopy (SEM), and the longitudinal structure of the composites was analyzed by image processing. The heat transfer analysis of the composite samples was simulated by inputting into COMSOL simulation software. The overall thermal conductivity of the composites can be calculated by thermal conduction simulation using the individual thermal conductivity of multiple composites. The thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of the composites can be known without the actual measurement. In the composite material research can be more intuitive understanding of the heat conduction, there will be more and better products appear
At present, the common research methods of composite materials are through continuous improvement and repeated actual measurement. Want to know the results of the improvement must be measured. Each composite material takes a long time to study. Therefore, the image processing can be applied to the heat transfer analysis of composite materials into the study can be more directly and clearly know the heat transfer path, thermal conductivity and thermal resistance. So that can greatly reduce the loss of human resources and the actual measurement of the cost required to enhance the value of the industry
關鍵字(中) ★ ASTM D5470
★ 熱傳導係數
★ 掃描電子顯微鏡
關鍵字(英) ★ ASTM D5470
★ Thermal Conductivity
★ Scanning Electron Microscope
摘要 i
Abstract v
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 論文貢獻 3
1-4 論文架構 4
第二章 研究內容與方法 5
2-1 熱傳遞理論 5
2-1-1 熱傳導 (Thermal conduction) 6
2-1-2 熱對流 (Thermal convection) 7
2-1-3 熱輻射 (Thermal radiation) 9
2-2 熱傳遞延伸理論 11
2-2-1 熱阻(Thermal Resistance) 11
2-2-2 熱傳導係數(Thermal Conductivity) 12
2-2-3 同質材料的熱傳導係數 13
2-2-4 不同截面積物體之等效熱阻抗計算方式 14
2-3 熱傳導測量方法 16
2-3-1 ASTM E1461 16
2-3-2 ASTM-E1530 17
2-3-3 ASTM D5470 18
2-4 顯微鏡介紹 20
2-4-1 光學顯微鏡 20
2-4-2 電子顯微鏡 22
2-4-3 掃描式穿隧顯微鏡(Scanning Tunneling Microscope) 23
2-4-4 掃描電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscope) 27
第三章 理論 31
3-1 影像處理理論 31
3-1-1 影像處理介紹 31
3-1-2 灰階理論 32
3-1-3 二值化理論 33
3-2 樣品介紹 34
3-3 影像分析 38
3-4 Comsol Multiphysics 熱傳導模擬 48
第四章 實驗部分 62
4-1 設備介紹 62
1.1 實驗程序 67
4-2 實驗結果 71
4-3 實驗與模擬比較 75
第五章 結論 78
結論 78
第六章 未來展望 80
未來展望 80
參考文獻 81
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指導教授 張榮森(Rong-Seng Chang) 審核日期 2017-7-19
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