摘要(英) |
The WeOS is a web app platform based on P2P(Peer-to-Peer) structure network, allowing users to become service providers and use the services developed by others. With IT technology advanced, fraud is often occured in community networks. This requires a set of criteria to identify trusted users, while users need multiple and secure web services. The introduction of blockchain technology as a platform for auxiliary applications can prevent tampering of activity records and also provide different network services pipeline. But it will lead to cross-system integration problems.
This research provides credit management model for heterogeneous system to the WeOS, a network services platform. Through integrates user identities on cross-system with smart contract and evaluates the credits through each of user’s actions and reputations, the system users will thus have trustworthy service providers. The past global reputation models may not be fair enough. According to each rater has their own scoring criteria for the same critics, it’s hard to define a reputation model that satisfies everyone. Therefore, this research proposes a credit management model to present personalization so that the users can see the credits to their own point of view without being affected deeply by others. According to each rater has their own scoring criteria for the same critics, it’s hard to define a reputation model that satisfies everyone. Therefore, this research proposes a credit management model to present personalization so that the users can see the credits to their own point of view without being affected deeply by others. Personalized reputation model will consume plenty of computing resources and storage space. This research proposes to adopt distribute computing on the WeOS. While the experimental result show that increasing number of nodes can prevent a single node from overloading and accelerate the update time. |
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