摘要(英) |
Feature selection is an important process for pattern recognition applications. The purpose of feature selection is to avoid classifier’s performance degradation. The removed feature(s) must be redundant, irrelevant, or of the least possible use. There is no related study which compares different feature selection methods with different data types, such as categorical, numerical, and mixed-type of datasets for classification performance. Therefore, in this thesis, three major feature selection methods were chosen, which are Information Gain (IG), Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Decision Tree (DT), and the research aim is to compare the classification accuracy of using these feature selection methods over different types of datasets. We illustrate the capability of the result by extensive experiments on analyzing 40 real-world datasets from UCI. In addition, six different classification techniques are compared, including Support Vector Machines (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Decision Tree (DT), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), AdaBoost and Bagging.
The experimental results show that the need for feature selection over categorical datasets is not strong. However, bagging based KNN and DT could increase the performance. For the mixed-type and numerical datasets, using GA and DT perform better. Particularly, if MLP is used, there is no need to do the feature selection process for numerical datasets. We demonstrate that different feature selection methods could increase the accuracy of some classification models. |
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