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姓名 顏琦龍(Chi Lung Yen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 探討電子化政府資訊系統整合階段:植基於Layne與Lee之四階段模型觀點
(Information System Integration Stages in E-Government Development: Based on Layne & Lee’s Four Stage Model)
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摘要(中) 電子化政府發展由來以久,相關學術研究亦頗豐,包括有關電子化政府發展階段模型之討論。其中就資訊系統之整合,有學者主張會先進行垂直整合再進行水平整合,亦有主張二者未必有發生先後之必然性,二種不同觀點會影響後續理論之發展以及在實務上之應用,故本研究以內政部移民署查驗系統為研究個案,分析其發展與整合方式。本研究發現,移民署運用資訊科技於入出境管理,乃先進行垂直整合再進行水平整合,然若就查驗系統發展而言,則係同步進行垂直整合與水平整合,並依需求與新科技發展,持續進行垂直整合或水平整合。另,本研究以組織面、策略面、政策面、技術面,分析系統開發相關人員之技術能力與經驗背景、經費、資料所有權、新科技等因子對於整合方式可能的影響。結果發現,此四因子均會影響政府機關資訊系統的整合方式。文末依據研究發現,本研究提出管理意涵及後續研究建議。
摘要(英) Research on e-Government (e-Gov) is quite abundant. One of intriguing research topics is about how e-Gov would gradually develop in time and two types of models concerning the integration of information systems have appeared in the literature. Some researchers argue that information systems have to be integrated vertically first, rather than horizontally. On the other hand, some researchers advocate there is no particular order for the system integration. These two different points of view affect the development of the follow-up theories and practical applications as well. For clarification, this study conducted a case study based on Taiwan′s Immigration Clearance System (ICS), which is currently operated by Taiwan’s National Immigration Agency (NIA).
The aim of this case study was to find out the integration strategies behind the development and implementation of ICS and the factors that influence the decision making by the NIA. This study concludes in terms of information technology adoption that NIA uses vertical integration strategy first then horizontal for immigration management whereas vertical and horizontal integration occurs simultaneously for the development of ICS, and the integration process continues constantly in responding to new technologies that evolve from time to time.
In addition, this study also explore the influential factors that would affect the way of system integration, in the aspects of organization, strategy, policy and technology. This study concludes that four important factors, i.e., technical background and experience of the information and technology (IT) staff, institutional budget, data ownership, and new technologies, are critical in affecting how information systems get integrated in the government agencies. In the end, managerial implications and recommendations for future researches are provided.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電子化政府
★ 發展階段模型
★ 垂直整合
★ 水平整合
關鍵字(英) ★ e-Governmen
★ e-Gov
★ developmental stages
★ vertical integration
★ horizontal integration
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
 第一節 研究背景與動機 1
 第二節 研究目的與問題 3
 第三節 預期研究貢獻 4
 第四節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
 第一節 電子化政府 6
 第二節 電子化政府發展階段模型 7
 第三節 資訊系統整合方式 18
 第四節 影響政府資訊系統整合方式的可能因子 20
 第五節 我國電子化政府發展概況及相關文獻 27
第三章 研究方法 31
 第一節 個案選擇及資料收集 31
 第二節 個案機關描述 34
第四章 資料分析與討論 42
 第一節 移民署查驗系統整合方式 42
 第二節 可能影響系統整合方式之因子 47
第五章 結論 53
 第一節 研究發現 53
 第二節 研究限制及後續研究建議 56
附錄 1 訪談大綱 57
附錄 2 訪談紀錄摘要及編碼 58
參考文獻 65
參考文獻 中文部分

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指導教授 周惠文(Huey wen Chou) 審核日期 2017-7-19
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