摘要(英) |
This paper analyzes the case company which is the only one to engage in the photo printer industry in Taiwan. It mainly adopts the “8-Cross Business Model” constructed by Dr. Hann-Tarn Jeng to diagnose the difficulties of the firm’s current business model when the enterprise faced the external environmental challenges during the past history. And it alos proposes the countermeasures of case company for future develpoment.
The purposes of study are twofold: 1. What are the difficulties of the object under the operation of the present business model? 2. What are the countermeasures should be proposed when the object faces the external environmental changes?
It first processes the analysis of the overall operating model and the accounting model for the external state of the enterprise including the nationals, industries, and competitors, etc., and the state of the enterprise itself, therefore finds out the current situation of enterprise; then, it just proposes the countermeasures according to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and implements. This method eventually will lead the enterprise to the continuous progress.
After the analyses of this study, we recommend the case company to continuously invest for the further development, and necessary to create two new products: 1. Printers of the wide frame (large size) and high-speed type; 2. Photo printing kiosks of self-service type. It will help to cope with market changes and to increase the market share, as well as to implement the internal reforms at the same time.
The case company can cope with the current difficulties effectively by launching two new products to market. It is based on the following assumptions: 1. Suppose the quality is excellent; 2. Suppose the integration of the team members is effective; 3. Suppose the products are completed with successful R&D process and launched for sale; 4. Suppose the customer is willing to come back.
The conclusion of this study is to analyze the past dilemma of the object and to find out the keys: 1. The customer is the king, the quality is the first; 2. Not win the advantage, nothing quicker than slowness; 3. Build the good team, for the development. Finally, we recommend the object to continuously pay attention to the following items for the future development in order to avoid any dilemma, and create a new opportunity: 1. Always study and practice hard; Accumulate energy for the body; 2. Manage and control the project schedule strictly; 3. Extend the use; many a little makes a mickle. |
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