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姓名 蔡譽良(Yu-Liang Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 適用於合成孔徑雷達訊號壓縮之可適性區塊量化器設計
(Design of Block Adaptive Quantizer for Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Compression)
★ 具輸出級誤差消除機制之三位階三角積分D類放大器設計★ 應用於無線感測網路之多模式低複雜度收發機設計
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★ 應用於無線通訊系統之同質性可組態記憶體式快速傅立葉處理器★ 3GPP LTE正交分頻多工存取下行傳輸之接收端細胞搜尋與同步的設計與實現
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摘要(中) 由於影像解析度提升造成影像資料量增加,衛星與基地站之間的傳輸通道容量有限,本論文為了有效地降低合成孔徑雷達衛星的影像資料並保持良好的影像解析度,設計了可適性區塊量化器(Block Adaptive Quantizer, BAQ)來壓縮合成孔徑雷達的回波訊號,在量化系統中,訊號來源分為In-phase(I) 軸與Quadrature(Q) 軸,將兩軸的輸入訊號切割成不同區塊,並利用各區塊所擁有的平均能量,來選擇Lloyd-Max量化器的量化邊界值(Threshold)與量化代表值(Representative)進而得到最小的量化均方誤差(Mean Square Error, MSE),並使用MSE的數值配合著輸入訊號能量,計算出信噪比(Signal-to-Noise Ratio, SNR)來評估系統性能。在我們的BAQ系統中,可將ADC所輸入的訊號由8、10、12、14 bits壓縮成2、3、4、6或8 bits輸出,區塊大小可設定為128、256或是512,而變異數值切割有兩種模式,分別將變異數值區間平均分割成128與256等分。
The resolution requirements of remote sensing images become higher and the channel capacity from satellites to the ground stations is limited. In order to effectively reduce the image data of synthetic aperture radar and maintain good image resolution, a block adaptive quantizer (BAQ) is needed to compress the echo signals. In the BAQ, the input signals of the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) axes are divided into blocks. The statistics of each block such as the average energy is calculated to derive the parameters of Lloyd-Max quantizer including the thresholds and the representatives of each quantized region. The Lloyd-Max quantizer achieves the smallest mean square error (MSE) of the Gaussian distributed signals. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) based on the average energy of the input signals and the MSE of the quantized output is then evaluated. In our BAQ system, it can compress the ADC signals of 8,10,12,14 bits into 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 bits outputs. The block size can be set as 128, 256 or 512 complex samples, and the whole possible variance range can be divided equally into either 128 or 256 segments depending on the user requirements.
When the BAQ output wordlength is large, the memory for storing the Lloyd-Max quantizer thresholds is huge. Thus, we propose to use variance scaling technique to normalize the input signal energy. In this case, only one set of thresholds is needed with an extra memory for storage of variance scaling values. Over 98% memory sizes can be saved. In order to get the output of non-uniform Lloyd-Max quantizer, a hybrid comparator architecture is designed. The number of adders and subtracters is also reduced. The hardware is first realized by the FPGA of Virtex-7 series. To achieve a higher operating frequency, parallel processing and pipeline techniques are used. The operating frequency can reach 500MHz. The design is also implemented in 40nm CMOS technology and the operating frequency achieves up to 800MHz with power consumption of 11.8mW. Thus, our design has good hardware efficiency and low power consumption.
關鍵字(中) ★ 可適性區塊量化器 關鍵字(英)
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖示目錄 VI
表格目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究方法 1
1.3 論文組織 2
第二章 合成孔徑雷達(Synthetic Aperture Radar)所使用之相關遙測技術 3
2.1 合成孔徑雷達(SAR)介紹 3
2.2 合成孔徑雷達應用於衛星任務 4
2.2.1 Magellan 4
2.2.2 EnviSat 6
2.2.3 Terra SAR-X1 7
2.2.4 Sentinel-1 8
2.2.5 RISAT-1,RISAT-2 9
2.2.6 COSMO-SkyMed 11
2.2.7 RADARSAT 12
2.2.8 PAZSAR 13
2.2.9 SAR-Lupe 13
2.3 比較各衛星合成孔徑雷達之效能 14
2.4 合成孔徑雷達壓縮演算法 17
2.4.1 Block Adaptive Quantization (BAQ) 17
2.4.2 Flexible Block Adaptive Quantization (FBAQ) 18
2.4.3 Flexible Dynamic Block Adaptive Quantization (FDBAQ) 19
2.4.4 Entropy-Constrained Block Adaptive Quantization (ECBAQ) 19
第三章 Lloyd-Max演算法與可適性區塊量化系統 21
3.1 可適性區塊量化系統(Block Adaptive Quantizer)規格設定 21
3.2 量化(Quantizer) 22
3.2.1 Lloyd-Max Quantizer 24
3.2.2 量化邊界值與代表值 26
3.2.3 變異數值對量化的影響 32
3.3 可適性區塊量化系統(BAQ)流程介紹 35
3.3.1 能量累加(Accumulation) 36
3.3.2 變異數區段分割(Variance Segmentation) 36
3.3.3 量化邊界值產生(Threshold Generation) 37
3.3.4 量化比較(Comparison) 38
3.3.5 訊號解碼(Signal Decoding) 38
3.4 可適性區塊量化系統(BAQ)效能表現 39
3.4.1 區塊(Block Size)大小對可適性區塊量化系統之影響 40
3.4.2 Segmentation對可適性區塊量化系統之影響 41
第四章 硬體設計與實現 42
4.1 類比數位轉換器(ADC)對BAQ量化之影響 42
4.2 BAQ硬體架構解析 45
4.3 對BAQ進行定點數模擬(Fixed-point simulation) 46
4.3.1 平方器(Square)定點數模擬 46
4.3.2 累加器(Accumulator)定點數模擬 47
4.3.3 量化邊界值記憶體(Threshold Memory)定點數模擬 47
4.3.4 Delay Buffer與比較器(Comparator)定點數設定 49
4.4 BAQ架構修改 50
4.4.1 Scaling 區塊 51
4.4.2 記憶體使用量變化 52
4.4.3 乘法器(Multiplier)位元長度設定 55
4.5 BAQ硬體模擬 55
4.6 比較器架構比較 56
4.6.1 傳統比較器 56
4.6.2 BAQ比較器架構改良 57 BAQ階段一所使用之區域性比較器(Region Comparator)架構 58 BAQ階段二所使用混合式之比較器(Hybrid Comparator)架構 59
4.6.3 架構修改對加減法器數量之影響 59
4.7 系統參數設定改變對硬體精準度影響 60
4.8 硬體平行化加速 61
4.9 硬體實作 64
第五章 結論 69
參考文獻 70
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指導教授 蔡佩芸(Pei-Yun Tsai) 審核日期 2017-7-27
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