摘要(英) |
In this study, action narrative inquiry was adopted to explore how a mathematics tutor in the shadow education develop professional learning community (PLC) and technology, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) in the instructional practice by technologies. The data were collected by using records of PLC’s meeting, notes of online-PLC, course videos, and teacher’s teaching daries.
A math tutor used technology integrated into instruction which had four stages, such as forming period, constructive period, practice period, and reflection period. In the froming period, teachers formed professional learning community awareness. PLC constructed TPACK knowledge through teachers’ dialogues and PLC’s knowledge base became the most important instructional resource in constructive period. Third, a math tutor practice TPACK in teaching, such as distance education, electronic whiteboard into one-on-two teaching, physical and virtual mixing course. Finally, a math tutor reflected and adjusted the instructional program through students、parents and peer teachers’ feedback.
The key findings of this study are as follows.
1. The community knowledge base covered TPACK was an important resource for the professional development for a math tutor. 2. PLC’s physical meeting promoted the trust and relationship between teachers by giving immediate instructional feedback. 3. For teaching each students well, a tutor should take turn to teach 10th grade students by interactive whiteboard in one-on-two class. 4. The 9th grade student had high satisfaction due to the pressure form study, and technological tool became necessary in the class. 5. For 8th grade student who needed to be instructed math and science, the tutor adpoted on-line class to add class hours, but the student couldn’t learn well. And then, the tutor adopted on-line messages to solve her subjects’ problems and her parents monitored her learning process that helped her preform stably in the school. In summary, a mathematics tutor wants to integrate technology into instruction effectively should consider students’ need to adjust instructional skill. |
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