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賴柏瑜(PO-YU , LAI)
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線上行為與學習成效關聯-以中央大學 Maple TA 與 LMS 為例
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摘要(中) |
本研究將利用因素分析,SPSS 軟體為分析工具,以中央大學地科院的學生在 MapleTA 上的學習行為為例,探討學生在 MapleTA 上的學習行為及其學習成效。藉由觀察學生的學習行為以及學習成效的關聯,我們希望找出是什麼關鍵因素影響學生最終的學習成效,甚至更進一步在得到學習成果之前能先一步預測最終結果。
本研究之研究成果能提供教師,讓教師為學生適時地提出改善學習策略之參考。 |
摘要(英) |
With the vast improvements of science and technology of today, more and more physical classrooms learning settings have been transformed and moved online with
the assistance of the internet. The use of online learning platforms have been instrumental in this shift. These platforms allow us to easily record the learning
behaviors and attitudes of students, which in turn can be analyzed to help us better understand the relationship between learning behaviors/attitudes and learning outcomes.
In this study, we will use the multivariate analysis and SPSS software as the analysis tools to study the learning behavior of students in MapleTA and the learning
effect of the students in the College of Earth Sciences National Central University. By looking at the student’s learning behaviors and correlating learning outcomes, we
aim to find the relation and key factors that affect a student’s learning outcomes;furthermore, we hope to be able to predict a student’s final learning outcomes.
The research results of this study can provide teachers, so that teachers can help students to improve their learning strategies in a timely. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 數位學習 ★ 學習成效 ★ 因素分析 ★ LMS ★ Maple TA |
關鍵字(英) |
論文目次 |
摘要 ..................................................................... i
Abstract ................................................................ ii
致謝 ................................................................... iii
目錄 .................................................................... iv
表目錄 .................................................................. vi
圖目錄 ................................................................. vii
第一章 緒論 .............................................................. 1
1-1 研究背景與動機................................................... 1
1-2 研究目的......................................................... 1
1-3 研究問題......................................................... 2
1-4 名詞釋義......................................................... 2
1-5 研究範圍與限制................................................... 3
第二章 文獻探討 .......................................................... 4
2-1 LMS 文獻探討 ..................................................... 4
2-2 Maple TA 文獻探討 ................................................ 5
2-3 學習成效文獻探討................................................. 6
第三章 研究方法 .......................................................... 7
3-1 研究對象.......................................................... 7
3-2 研究工具.......................................................... 7
3-2-1 SPSS ........................................................ 7
3-3 研究程序.......................................................... 8
3-4 資料分析及工具................................................... 10
3-4-1 因素分析(factor analysis) .................................. 10
3-4-2 群集分析 ................................................... 10
3-4-3 Pearson 相關係數 ........................................... 11
3-4-4 多重對應分析(multiple correspondence analysis) ............. 11
第四章 結果與討論 ....................................................... 20
4-1 Maple TA 上的學習行為與 GPA 之幾何關聯性......................... 20
4-2 線上行為的歸納................................................... 22
4-2-1 因素分析(結果 I)........................................... 24
4-2-2 因素分析(結果 II).......................................... 26
4-3 線上行為與學習成效的關聯........................................ 28
第五章 結論與建議 ....................................................... 35
5-1 結論............................................................. 35
5-1-1 Maple TA 上的學習行為與 GPA 之幾何關聯性 ................... 35
5-1-2 線上行為的歸納 ............................................. 35
5-1-3 線上行為與學習成效的關聯.................................... 35
5-1-4 結論分析 ................................................... 35
5-2 建議............................................................. 36
參考文獻 ................................................................ 37 |
參考文獻 |
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http://mathweb.math.ncu.edu.tw/calc/MapleTA/ |
指導教授 |
蕭嘉璋(Chia-Chang , Hsiao)
審核日期 |
2017-8-22 |
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