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姓名 邱祺民(Qi-Min Qiu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 風力發電機軸承損壞訊號分析
(Bearings fault signal detection used in wind turbines)
★ 四弦型非對稱光學讀取頭致動器模態共振分析與抑制★ 網路連接儲存裝置熱分析與設計
★ 小型垂直軸風力發電機之有限元素分析★ 平板受聲源作用之振動與輻射聲場分析
★ 壓電吸振器應用於平板的振動與噪音控制★ 主動式吸振器應用於薄板減振與減噪
★ 離散振動系統之分析軟體製作★ 有洞薄方板之動態分析與激振後之聲場
★ 撓性結構之主動振動控制★ 速度與位移回饋式壓電吸振器之減振研究
★ 以LabVIEW為介面之模態測試軟體製作★ 電壓回饋壓電吸振器對平板之振動控制
★ 可調式消音閥的分析與最佳設計★ 旋轉樑的動態分析與壓電吸振器之減振設計
★ 自感式壓電吸振器之設計與應用於矩形板之減振★ 多孔薄方板之振動與聲場分析
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摘要(中) 風力發電在綠能產業具有潛力,其中風機運轉與健康狀況關係到發電的效能與安全性,為了檢測風力發電機的運轉狀況,先以接觸理論分析軸承損壞下的受力情況,軸承在不同部位損壞下會出現特定頻率的動態訊號,對此訊號使用短時距傅立葉分析(short-time fourier transform)、總體經驗模態分解法(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition)與快速譜峰度法(Fast Kurtogram)做診斷。第一個案例中是已知軸承損壞的機械系統,利用上述訊號處理方法對訊號進行分析,並比較不同方法間之優劣。後再將此分析法運用在第二個分析案例,即分析風力發電機上量得之振動訊號;結果顯示即使分析元件包含齒輪與軸承,但使用快速譜峰度法仍然能找出疑似軸承損壞訊號;當使用短時距傅立葉時,會偵測到齒輪轉速訊號與軸承損壞訊號,判別上較為複雜;而使用總體經驗模態分解法軸承訊號所在之階層並不固定,必須每一階層觀察效率較差。
摘要(英) The goal of the research was to diagnose the bearing faults in rotary machines though examining their dynamic responses or vibration signals. A bearing has specific defect vibration frequencies which can be calculated from bearing design data. Short-time-Fourier transform, ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and fast kurtogram were signal processing methods for detecting bearing faults. These signal processing methods were used to analyze the dynamic responses from a rotor system with a damaged bearing and were compared to each other. Then, the methods were applied to vibration signals from a small and medium wind turbine. The signals contain not only bearing signal but also gear mesh signal.
The results show short-time-Fourier method could detect the bearing defect, the gear mesh signal and its harmonics, but the bearing fault signals are too complex to diagnose. Applying the fast kurtogram method which would usually filter out gear mesh signal and its harmonics could detect bearing fault signal more effective due to the transient characteristic of bearing fault signals. Using EEMD to analyze the vibration signals would decompose the original signal to several intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) possibly containing bearing fault signal in some decompositions. However, one still need to check each IMF for effectiveness.
關鍵字(中) ★ 風機
★ 軸承診斷
關鍵字(英) ★ wind turbine
★ bearing diagnosis
第一章 緒論-1
第三章 訊號處理方法-19
3-4快速峰度譜(Fast Kurtogram)-23
3-5總體經驗模態分解法(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition, EEMD)-26
第四章 實驗數據分析-28
4-2 核研所風機實測數據分析-47
第五章 結論與未來展望-81

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指導教授 黃以玫(Yi-Mei Huang) 審核日期 2017-5-22
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