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姓名 蔡季廷(Chi-Ting Tsai) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 物理學系 論文名稱
(Exploration of new methods for growing Ag films on Au(111) studied by ARPES)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 薄膜系統在工業科技上或是科學研究上都扮演著重要的角色,然而製備大尺度平坦薄膜卻不是件容易的事,我們的動機是尋找一個方法能製備大尺度平坦薄膜。我們所採用的系統是Ag/Au(111)系統,電子被限制在銀薄膜裡或是表面上形成量子化的能態,利用角度解析光電子能譜術與量子化能態對厚度上的關係來解析薄膜厚度上的分佈。
我們所採取製備薄膜的方法為在低溫下蒸鍍銀原子,並且緩慢回溫至接近室溫,在銀薄膜厚度較小的情況下,可使用表面態來解析厚度上的分佈,在銀薄膜較厚的情況下因表面態對厚度的變化量很小,需藉著其他量子態來解析厚度。實驗結果顯示低溫下蒸鍍再回溫的方法是一個製備平坦薄膜的方法,在回溫的過程中,觀察角度解析光電子能譜我們發現一些有趣的新現象,並嘗試用物理模型來解釋。摘要(英) Thin film systems play important roles in technology industry and scientific investigation. However, preparing atomically flat thin films over a macroscopic region is not an easy thing. Our motivation is trying to find a new method for growing flat thin films over a macroscopic region. The system in our investigation we used is Ag/A2u(111) quantum well system. Electron confinement inside Ag films causes quantization of electronic energy states. We use angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy to investigate the thickness variation of thin films.
The method we adopted is low temperature deposition and annealing to near room temperature. In the low coverage case, it could use the surface state to resolve the thickness variation. However in the high coverage case, it must use quantum well states to resolve. The results of our experiments show that low temperature deposition and annealing process is a good way to prepare flat thin films. The photoelectron spectra at different temperature measured during the annealing process shows some interesting physical phenomenon. We have a physical model to explain this phenomenon.關鍵字(中) ★ 量子井 關鍵字(英) ★ Ag/Au(111) quantum well state 論文目次 1. Introduction...1
2. Background...3
2.1 Angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy...3
2.1.1 The theory of photoemission...4
2.1.1(a) The first step...4
2.1.1(b) The second step...4
2.1.1(c) The third step...4
2.1.2 Photoelectron spectroscopy...8
2.1.3 Angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy...8
2.1.4 Analyzer...9
2.2 Band structure...10
2.3 Quantum well state...11
2.4 Ag-Au(111) thin film system...12
3. Apparatus...21
3.1 Introduction...21
3.2 UHV system...21
3.2.1 Ultra high vacuum...21
3.2.2 UHV system in NSRRC...24
3.3 Light source...24
3.3.1 Synchrotron radiation...24
3.3.2 He lamp...24
3.4 Experimental apparatus...26
3.4.1 Evaporator...26
3.4.1(a) K-cell...26
3.4.1(b) EFM3...26
3.4.2 Sputtering gun...27
3.4.3 Quartz crystal microbalance...27
4. Experiment and Result...34
4.1 Sample preparation...34
4.2 Result and discussion...35
4.2.1(a) Layer resolved by surface state...36
4.2.1(b) Layer resolved by quantum well state...37
4.2.2 Thin film crystallization phenomena...38
5. Conclusion...53
Reference...54參考文獻 [1] King-Ning Tu, James W. Mayer, and Leonard C. Feldman, Electronic thin film
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PRB 73, 195413(2006)指導教授 陸大安(Dah-An Luh) 審核日期 2007-7-17 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare