摘要(英) |
With global changes and technological advances, opportunities for personnel work in the clean room opportunities also rise. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) leakages and fugitive emissions may cause serious social, economic and environmental impact. Often abnormal event will occur if hazard analysis were not conducted beforehand and pollution control mechanism planned. One should use hazard analysis to find sources of pollutants, and to control thepollutants in elimination of hazards, during-emergency response situations, and postremedial measures. This analysis and control is the most effective approach. This study applies systematic concepts and principles to establish a realistic method in clean room source of pollution analysis and pollution control strategy planning. The first step is to, define the clean room manufacturing processes and activities, analyze component and structure in the processes. The structure analysis includes input, output, operational procedures, and activation mechanism. The next step is to analyzethe possible causes of VOCs pollution, potential consequences and impact. The final step is to design the pollution source control mechanism. planning control sources of pollution in pre- hazard prevention, during- emergency response, and after- remedial measure. Consider the actual cost is limited, provide hazard probability and cost information for company manager to decision. In this study, the Wafer Level Chip Scale Packaging is the target process. Effectiveness of the proposed hazard analysis and control planning methodology is verified. The results show that pollution source analysis and hazard management approach adopted in this study can effectively analyze clean room VOCs pollution and prevent the occurrence of hazardous events and accidents. |
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