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姓名 洪楷晴(Kai-Chin Hung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 建構日本繪畫史:以Louis Gonse的《日本美術》為例
(Constructing the History of Japanese Painting: A Study on L′Art Japonais by Louis Gonse)
★ 戴進道釋畫研究—以《達摩六祖圖》為核心★ 與春遊及七夕相關之明代仕女畫探討
★ 橋本關雪《長恨歌》研究★ 掃象圖研究
★ 東京美術學校畢業生自畫像研究--以1936年前作品為主★ 捧桃將獻誰?日本桃山、江戶時期西王母圖像研究─以狩野派、圓山應舉為例
★ 乾隆朝宮廷畫家金廷標(?-1767)歷史故實畫研究★ 二十世紀初西方人對宋代繪畫的看法──以Laurence Binyon著作為例
★ 鏑木清方口繪版畫研究:以「泉鏡花系列」為核心★ 手塚治虫漫畫中佛像圖繪之研究
★ 與謝蕪村雪夜景圖研究★ 古傳日本之中國涅槃圖研究
★ 《故宮週刊》與清末民初藝術普及概念關聯之研究★ 化運神通──明代神通式渡水羅漢畫之析探
★ 江戶時代開帳圖研究:以猿猴庵作品為核心★ 端方藏畫研究──以《壬寅消夏錄》所載六朝至宋代畫作為核心
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摘要(中) 《日本美術》(L’Art Japonais)一書於1883年出版,作者為法國藝評家Louis Gonse(1846-1921)。此書共有兩冊,經歷多次再版,在1891年有英文譯本問世。內容按照媒材分類書寫,包含了〈繪畫〉、〈建築〉、〈雕塑〉、〈漆器〉、〈織品〉等主題,並附有千幅以上的圖版,為西方第一本日本美術史書。此書出版的背景為西方「日本主義」(Japonisme)盛行的時期,此時期最受關注的為浮世繪與印象派間的關聯,而《日本美術》也明顯表明了Louis Gonse對於浮世繪的喜愛。不過,除此之外,《日本美術》尚提供了此時期法國人觀看日本美術的其他視角及方式。

十九世紀末的歐洲人普遍對日本繪畫所知甚少,且評價不高。《日本美術》中的〈繪畫〉章節首次詳盡的記述日本繪畫史,並正視日本繪畫,其中一些鑑賞日本繪畫的觀點甚至反過來影響了日本人。本文第一章將針對作者Louis Gonse生平進行普查,並調查《日本美術》出版前十年間的相關主題著作,理解此時期西方人對日本美術的普遍認識。第二章則進一步剖析〈繪畫〉章節的內容,將分別針對書中的浮世繪、狩野派及琳派部分進行討論,理解Gonse對上述三種類別藝術的認識,以及他的書寫及鑑賞方式。第三章則將解析〈繪畫〉章節所使用的插圖,追溯書中插圖的圖像來源以及使用方式。透過文字及圖像兩方面的分析,還原十九世紀末法國人眼中的日本繪畫史,亦期望釐清Louis Gonse書寫《日本美術》時的限制與貢獻。
L’Art Japonais was published in two volumes in 1883, by a French art critic, Louis Gonse (1846-1921). In 1891, this book was translated into English and published in the United States. Thereafter, it was re-edited and reprinted for several times. The chapters of L’Art Japonais are arranged by various types of art mediums, including “Painting,” “Architecture,” “Sculpture,” “Lacquer,” “Tissues,” etc. With more than one thousand of illustrations, it was regarded as the first book about Japanese art history available in the West. L’Art Japonais was written during the phenomenon known as Japonisme. Among many beloved Japanese art types at the time, the most popular was Ukiyo-e, which was revealed to be Gonse’s obsession. In addition, different ways of seeing Japanese art were observed in the book along with the revelation of multiple resources related to art in Japan that were previously unknown.

In the late nineteenth-century Europe, Japanese painting attracted minimal recognitions and interests. Gonse brought attention to the value of Japanese painting, and depicted a more diverse and comprehensive history of it. It was the first of its kind in scale and in content. Some of his evaluations were subsequently adopted by the Japanese. This thesis mainly focuses on the “Painting” chapter in L’Art Japoanis. The first chapter outlines the career of Louis Gonse and investigates other publications of the same genre between 1873 to 1883. Its intention is to explore the general understanding of Japanese art in the west at that time. The second chapter addresses the contents of the “Painting” chapter, including the parts of “Ukioy-e,” “Kano school” and “Rin school,” and analyzes the way Gonse appreciated and wrote about Japanese painting. The last chapter examines the illustrations in the “Painting” chapter and investigates the sources of the images as well as the text-image relations. Through the analysis of texts and images, this thesis attempts to recover the history of Japanese painting as it was understood by the late nineteenth-century French, and to comprehend Gonse’s contributions and the limitations he faced at the time.
關鍵字(中) ★ Louis Gonse
★ 《日本美術》
★ 日本主義
★ 浮世繪
★ 琳派
★ 狩野派
關鍵字(英) ★ Louis Gonse
★ L′Art Japonais
★ Japonisme
★ Ukioy-e
★ Rin School
★ Kano School
第一章 Louis Gonse與《日本美術》......................................................8
第一節 日本美術引介者:Louis Gonse..................................................8
第二節 十九世紀末法國人筆下的日本美術史:《日本美術》..................19
第二章 書寫繪畫.................................................................................31
第一節 《日本美術》中的葛飾北齋......................................................33
第二節 從狩野派觀看《日本美術》......................................................39
第三節 琳派中的日本性.......................................................................49
第三章 《日本美術》中的圖版.............................................................56
第一節 內文插圖的圖像來源與功能......................................................56
(一)Henri-Charles Guérard所作插圖..............................................56
第二節 獨立圖版的製作與觀看............................................................64
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57. La Commission Impériale du Japon ed., Le Japon à l′Exposition Universelle de 1878, Paris: La Commission Impériale du Japon, 1878.
58. Lostalot, Alfred de, “Exposition Rétrospective de l’Art Japonais à la Salle Georges Petit,” Chronique des Arts et de la Curiosité (31/3/1883): 102.
59. Mabuchi, Akiko ed., Catalogues des Ventes des Collections d’Art Japonais v.5 : Collections Jean Dollfus. Catalogue des Objets d′Arts Chinois et Japonais, Vente du 14 au 18 Mai 1912, Paris (1912) Collection Louis Gonse. Œuvres d′Art du Japon (1ère vente) : Choix d′Estampes, et de Livres des Principaux Maitres de l′Ukiyoyé, Peintures des Maitres du XVe au XIXe Siècle, Paravents, Peinture Chinoise, Laques des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles... Poteries Japonaises, Robes Japonaises, Vente du 5 au 11 Mai 1924, Paris (1924) Collection Louis Gonse (2ème vente) : Gardes de Sabres du Japon, Ornaments de Sabres, Vente du 26 au 28 Mai 1924, Paris (1924)Collection Louis Gonse. Œuvres d′Art du Japon (3ère vente) : Estampes et Livres Principaux Maitres de l′Ukiyoyé, Peintures, Dessins, Poteries Japonaises des XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe Siècles, Nétsuké en Ivoire et en Bois, Petits Masques, Ouvrages et Catalogues sur les Arts d′Extrême-orient, Vente du 19 au 23 Avril 1926, Paris (1926), Tokyo : Edition Synapse, 2011. Reprint of 1912. 1924, 1924, 1926 edition.
60. Mantz, Paul, “Exposition de L’Art Japonais,” Gazette des Beaux-Arts (05/1883): 400-443.
61. Mantz, Paul, “L’Aat Japonais par M. Louis Gonse,” Gazette des Beaux-Arts, (11/1883): 477-507.
62. Michel, André, “Louis Gonse,” Gazette des Beaux-Arts (02/1922): 85-88.
63. Moges, Alfred de, Recollections of Baron Gros′s Embassy to China and Japan in 1857-58, London: Griffin, Bohn, and Company, 1861.
64. Morse, Edward S., “Notes on Hokusai, the Founder of the Modern Japanese School of Drawing,” The American Art Review, Vol. 1, No. 4 (02/1880): 144-148.
65. Morse, Edward S., “Reviewed Work: The Keramic Art of Japan by George A. Audsley, James L. Bowes,” The American Art Review, Vol. 2, No. 10 (08/1881): 167-168.
66. Rutherford, Alcock, Art and Art Industries in Japan, London: Virtue and Co., 1878.
67. Sichel, Philippe, Notes d’un Bibeloteur au Japon, Paris: Dentu, 1883.
68. Vernet, Leblanc du, Le Japon Artisique et Litteraire, Paris: A. Quantin, 1879.

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8. Musée National des Arts Asiatiques – Guimet: < http://www.guimet.fr/fr/ >
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指導教授 巫佩蓉(Pei-Jung Wu) 審核日期 2017-8-21
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