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姓名 許翔慧(HSIANG-HUI HSU)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 以多點連續掃描吸收光譜量測水中SS濃度與沉降特性可行性研究
(Feasibility study on measure SS concentration and settlement characteristics in water by multi - point continuous scanning absorption spectrum)
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摘要(中) 沉澱池主要根據懸浮固體的沉降特性來操控,但傳統的沉降試驗分析結果不具時效性,而改良後的攝影機影像分析法無法量測懸浮固體濃度只有200 mg/L左右的初沉池進流水,該方法只適用於量測懸浮固體濃度約5000 mg/L左右高濃度的二沉池,因此目前初沉池中並沒有操作控制的有效依據,所以本研究以發展一套量測初沉池懸浮固體濃度與沉降特性的方法為目的,使用多點連續掃描吸收光譜,利用吸收光譜資料搭配不同的迴歸方法建立懸浮固體濃度推估公式,再以多點連續掃描資料來獲得懸浮固體的沉降特性,實驗結果發現以波段660-679 nm與不同濃度進行迴歸所建立的懸浮固體濃度推估公式在高嶺土、皂土及蒙特土配製而成的人工水樣中都適合推估出懸浮固體濃度。再利用懸浮固體濃度推估公式代入前30分鐘的連續掃描吸收光譜資料,獲得水面下1公分與4公分位置懸浮固體濃度隨時間變化,計算出不同濃度比例的沉澱速度。依據沉澱速度成功推算出水面下10公分、50公分及70公分處濃度百分比隨時間的變化,並作圖畫出該位置的沉降特性曲線,即依據沉降特性曲線獲得水力停留時間來及時控制溢流率,作為沉澱池操作控制的依據。
The sedimentation tank is mainly controlled according to the settlement characteristics of the suspended solids, but the traditional sedimentation test results are not timed. The modified camera image analysis method can not measure the suspended solids concentration of only about 200 mg / L or so, which is only applicable to the secondary sedimentation tank with a high concentration of about 5000 mg / L. Therefore, there is no effective basis for the operation control in the primary settling tank. Therefore, this study aims to develop a method for measuring the suspended solids concentration and sedimentation characteristics of the primary settling tank. Using the multi-point continuous scanning absorption spectrum, the absorption spectra were used to establish the formula of suspension solid concentration, and then the sedimentation characteristics of suspended solids were obtained by multiplying continuous scanning data. We found that the estimation formula for the concentration of suspended solids established by regression at band 660-679 nm with different concentrations is suitable for measuring the concentration of suspended solids in the Kaolin, Bentonite and Montmorillonite made of artificial water samples. Using the suspended solids concentration estimation formula substitution the first 30 minutes of continuous scanning absorption spectroscopy data. The concentration of suspended solids at 1 cm and 4 cm below the surface was changed with time to calculate the sedimentation rate at different concentration ratios. According to the settlement speed successfully calculated under the water 10 cm, 50 cm and 70 cm concentration percentage change with time. And draws the settlement characteristic curve of the position, that is, according to the settlement characteristic curve to obtain the hydraulic retention time to control the overflow rate, as the sedimentation tank operation control basis.
關鍵字(中) ★ 多點
★ 連續掃描吸收光譜
★ 懸浮固體濃度
★ 懸浮固體沉降特性
一、 前言 1
1.1研究緣起 1
1.2研究目的 2
二、 文獻回顧 3
2.1初沉池操作控制 3
2.1.1初沉池操作控制方法 3
2.1.2現有SS沉降特性量測方法 5
2.1.3初沉池即時操控重要性 5
2.2 懸浮固體沉降特性 6
2.2.1顆粒沉降特性 6
2.2.2沉降筒試驗 6
2.2.3分光光度計量測沉澱速度方法 7
2.2.4網路攝影機量測沉澱速度方法 8
2.3光學量測法 8
2.3.1現有量測SS濃度量測方法 8
2.3.2多點連續掃描快速獲得沉降特性方法 11
2.4光與顆粒作用機制 12
2.5分光光度計與光譜儀吸收光譜原理 17
2.6固體顆粒特性分析 21
三、 研究方法 23
3.1研究內容與流程 23
3.2儀器設備設置 24
3.2.1光譜量測設備 24
3.3 懸浮固體濃度量測方法的發展 29
3.4懸浮固體沉降特性量測方法的發展 30
四、 結果與討論 33
4.1 儀器設備設置結果 33
4.2 懸浮固體濃度量測方法的發展與驗證 34
4.2.1懸浮固體濃度量測方法的發展結果 34
4.2.2懸浮固體濃度量測方法發展結果的驗證方法 35
4.2.3懸浮固體濃度量測方法的驗證結果 39
4.2.4小結 55
4.3懸浮固體沉降特性量測方法的發展與驗證 56
4.3.1懸浮固體沉降特性量測方法發展結果 56
4.3.2懸浮固體沉降特性量測方法的驗證方法 57
4.3.3懸浮固體沉降特性分析的驗證結果 58
4.3.4小結 64
五、 結論與建議 65
5.1結論 65
5.2建議 65
參考文獻 67
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