摘要(英) |
Studying the characteristics of the size distribution of ambient ultrafine particle and black carbon (BC) at urban traffic sites was critical because the influence of ultrafine particle and BC on air quality and human health depends on size distribution. Both of ultrafine particle and BC are important components of particulate matter that mainly originates from traffic emission. For the physical and chemical characterization and assessment of the health effects of ultrafine particle are considerable uncertainty for lack of monitoring the traffic emission continuously in Taiwan. In this study, monitoring at a roadside site which was near the high traffic in Taipei, for PM2.5 and PM1.0 monitoring by PM Sampler and Mass Monitor (PSMM, MSP 1600), Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalances (TEOM, R&P 1400a), Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor (NSAM, TSI 3550), Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS, TSI 3936) and 7-Wavelength Aethalometer (Magee, AE-31, Magee, AE-33). In result, including mass concentration, lung deposition surface area concentration, number concentration, size distribution and BC mass concentration. Simultaneously, the weather monitor and webcam record the temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction and traffic, respectively. In study building the immediate system for the mass concentration and black carbon concentration measurement, doing the instrument comparison. TEOM and PSMM, the result was a large deviation in high concentrations. AE-31 and AE-33, the results of AE-31 were corrected to help reduce the deviation between AE-31 and AE-33 results. The results of the monitoring, the differences in the winds in different seasons, the traffic sources are also different. The wind direction was complex in summer, including the effects of long-distance transmission and near-traffic sources. The winter wind direction was clear, the effect of near-traffic sources. The concentration of pollutants was lower in summer and higher in winter. For traffic changes, the high traffic occurred during the morning and evening, the black carbon concentration, the number concentrations and lung deposition surface area can be observed significantly peak. The BC was indicated that the main contribution in traffic. During the traffic spike, the proportion of PM2.5 can reach more than about 15%. The number of particles was about 15000 ~ 20000 # / cm3, the lung deposition surface area was about 80 ~ 95 μm2 / cm3. For the ratio of surface area concentration between NSAM and SMPS indicated the irregular configuration particles had significant spike in rush hour, and that shows most of particle was non-spherical shape in environment. For the particle apparent density, in rush hour the irregular particles were relatively loose and the apparent density was low in environmental. For human health, the exposure dose was used as a measure of inhalation. In rush hour, the high concentrations will increase the risk of harm in environment, especially for the development of young children and adolescents, more harm than adults. Doing the exercise or the high-intensity activities beside the road, because the breathing increased, it raised the inhalation of pollutants. For residents living in the urban environment, the impact of traffic on health was extremely important to note, how to effective control the emission source was worth pondering. |
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