博碩士論文 104226007 詳細資訊

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姓名 彭哲瑄(Che-Hsuan Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 以光學軟性電路板設計適用於4通道 × 25-Gbps 光學連接收發模組之高頻傳輸線
(Design of Transmission Lines for 4-Channel × 25-Gbps Optical Interconnect Module Based on Optical Flexible Printed Circuit)
★ 具平坦化側帶之超窄帶波導模態共振濾波器研究★ 以矽光學平台為基礎之4通道×10-Gbps 光學連結模組之接收端研究
★ 透明導電層上之高分子聚合物微奈米光學結構於氮化鎵發光二極體光學特性研究★ 具45度反射面之非共平面轉折波導光路
★ 以矽光學平台為基礎之4通道 x 10 Gbps光學連結模組之發射端★ 具三維光路之光連接發射端模組
★ 矽基光學平台技術為核心之雙向4通道 x 10-Gbps光學連接收發模組★ 建立於矽基光學平台之高分子聚合物波導光路
★ 適用於色序式微型投影機之微透鏡陣列積分器光學系統研製★ 發光二極體色溫控制技術及其於色序式微型投影機之應用
★ 具45˚矽基反射面高分子聚合物波導之10-Gbps晶片內部光學連接收發模★ 在陶瓷基板實現高速穿孔架構之5-Gbps光學連接模組
★ 具垂直分岔光路之10-Gbps雙輸出矽基光學連接模組★ 利用光展量概念之微型投影機光學設計方法與實作
★ 以1 × 2垂直分岔高分子聚合物光路實現單晶片20-Gbps矽基光學連接模組★ 利用三維矽波導光路實現10-Gbps單晶片光學連接模組
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摘要(中) 本論文將4通道  25-Gbps高頻傳輸線整合於軟性電路板中,此設計作為連接接收端光偵測器、轉阻放大器(TIA)與發射端垂直共振腔型面射型雷射(VCSEL)、積體驅動晶片(Driver IC)之間的高頻訊號傳輸。而再將上述元件與高分子聚合物波導與45˚反射面共同整合在軟性電路板上。
此論文評估與分析用於軟性電路板上之高頻傳輸線,包含單端訊號傳輸線(Single-Ended)與差動訊號傳輸線(Differential)的反射損耗(Return loss)與插入損耗(Insertion Loss)。
傳輸線係以共平面波導(Coplanar Waveguide)形式設計。經由高頻模擬,在操作頻率0~62.5 GHz中,發射端與接收端之單端式高頻傳輸線反射損耗均小於 -4 dB,插入損耗皆大於-2.8 dB。而另一方面在操作頻率0~62.5 GHz,中,差動式高頻傳輸線反射損耗皆小於 -6 dB,插入損耗皆大於 -1.7 dB。
In this paper, the 4-channel  25-Gbps high-frequency transmission line is integrated into the flexible circuit board. This design is used as a high frequency transmission line between a receiver-side photodetector, a transimpedance amplifier (TIA) and a transmitter-side Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL), and an integrated driver chip.And then the above elements and polymer waveguide and 45˚ reflective surface common integration in the flexible circuit board.
This paper evaluates and analyzes high frequency transmission lines for use on flexible circuit boards, including the single-ended transmission line and differential transmission line of the return loss and insertion loss.
The transmission lines are designed in the form of a coplanar waveguide. Through the high frequency simulation, the operating frequency of 0 ~ 62.5GHz The single-ended transmission line return loss of the transmitter and the receiver is less than -4 dB, the insertion loss is above -2.8 dB. On the other hand, in the operating frequency of 0 ~ 62.5 GHz, the differential transmission line return loss is less than -6 dB, insertion loss are more than -1.7 dB.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光學軟性電路板
★ 4通道 × 25-Gbps
★ 光學連接收發模組
關鍵字(英) ★ Optical Interconnect Module
★ 4-Channel × 25-Gbps
★ Optical Flexible Printed Circuit
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 光學連接技術的發展歷程與現況 3
1-3 以光學軟性電路板設計光學連接收發模組之高頻傳輸線 8
第二章 光學連接收發模組之高頻被動電路設計 11
2-1 被動電路設計原理 12
2-2 被動電路設計架構與流程 14
第三章 光學連接收發模組之發射端電路設計 16
3-1 收發模組之發射端單端式傳輸線電路設計 17
3-2 收發模組之發射端差動式傳輸線電路設計 20
第四章 光學連接收發模組之接收端電路設計 24
4-1 收發模組之接收端單端式傳輸線電路設計 25
4-2 收發模組之接收端差動式傳輸線電路設計 28
第五章 結論與未來展望 31
5-1 結論 31
5-2 未來展望 31
參考文獻 33
參考文獻 [1] Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2016–2021.
[2] Cisco The Zettabyte Era: Trends and Analysis.
[3] Cisco Global Cloud Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2015–2020.
[4] Novel Trace Design for High Data-rate Multi-channel Optical Transceiver Assembled using Flip-chip Bonding.
[5] A 25-Gb/s × 4-Ch, 8 × 8 mm2, 2.8-mm Thick Compact Optical Transceiver Module for On-Board Optical Interconnect.
[6] Polymer waveguides for electro-optical integration in data centers and high-performance computers.
[7] Feature Articles: Device Technology Development for Beyond 100G Optical Transport Network.
[8] 以光學軟性電路板設計適用於4通道 × 25-Gbps 光學連接收發模組之光學架構。
指導教授 伍茂仁(Mount-Learn Wu) 審核日期 2017-8-23
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