博碩士論文 104226038 詳細資訊

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姓名 洪舜昱(Shun-Yu Hong)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 即時性多角度光譜量測系統,結合電致發光、光致發光及反射率量測
(One-snap multi-angle spectroscopy optical system for electroluminescence, photoluminescence and reflectance measurements)
★ 以膠體微影技術應用於開孔電極垂直式有機電晶體之研究★ 有機高分子電化學發光元件
★ 開孔電極結構對於垂直式有機電晶體電性影響之研究★ 微米光柵壓印有機太陽能電池主動層之研究
★ 有機波導結構的ASE現象研究以及共振腔結構的模擬★ 利用金屬微共振腔研究光與有機激發態強耦合現象
★ 多層式雙極有機場效電晶體之研究★ 電光非週期性晶疇極化反轉鈮酸鋰波導定向耦合元件之研究
★ 全氟己基四聯?吩共軛分子奈米結構成長與其對薄膜電晶體電性影響之研究★ 有機染料分子薄膜之光電特性研究
★ 多層結構有機電晶體之研究★ 利用氧流量調整改善短通道氧化物半導體在高電場下的電流崩潰現象
★ 有機強耦合共振腔元件設計與發光量測系統架設之研究★ 強耦合有機微共振腔之設計與研究
★ 光激發有機極化子元件之製作與量測★ 即時多角度量測光譜儀系統應用於有機發光二極體空間頻譜之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在即時性多角度光譜量測系統之建立,結合電致發光(Electroluminescence, EL)、光致發光(Photoluminescence, PL)以及反射率 (reflectance)等量測,建立一套三合一的即時量測系統。
系統的光學設計上,光經由物鏡將各角度展開,通過狹縫後定義出空間維度(y-軸),再由光柵將波長維度(x-軸)分光,最終在互補式金屬氧化物半導體(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor, CMOS)上形成一波長—角度之二維空間頻譜。整套系統由無焦系統(afocal system)做為基礎原理架設而成,用以匹配光束的尺寸。另外,以外加光源的方式作為光致發光及反射率量測的量測光源。
摘要(英) This research focuses on the establishment of one-snap multi-angle spectroscopy optical system, which combines electroluminescence (EL), photoluminescence (PL) and reflectance measurements.
In the optical design, the rays are expended by an objective, and the direction of angular dimension (y-axis) is determined by a slit, while the wavelength dimension (x-axis) are separated by a blazed grating. Finally, the rays enter a Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) and a two dimensional spatial spectrum is formed. The whole system is established on the basis of afocal system tomatch the beam size. In addition, external light sources are applied for the PL and reflectance measurements.
Compared with the conventional fiber-rotation measurement, the one-snap multi-angle spectroscopy optical system has advantages of rapidity and convenience. The angle-resolved spectra can be acquired in nearly one second, whereas the fiber-rotation measurement usually takes a much longer time. Moreover, the measurement of the one-snap system can be easily performed by leaning the device on the front side of objective lens, which only requires the device with a size larger than the bore of objective lens. However, in conventional fiber measurements, the spatial spectra depend strongly on the relationship between the device size and the rotation diameter, with more variables to affect the result.
One-snap multi-angle spectroscopy optical system is believed to greatly benefit the studies of the spatial spectra of OLEDs and microcavity devices such as organic lasers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光譜量測
★ 電致發光
★ 光致發光
★ 反射率
關鍵字(英) ★ measurement
★ electroluminescence
★ photoluminescence
★ reflectance
論文目次 中文摘要......i
第一章 緒論......1
1-1 前言......1
1-2 光纖量測......2
1-3 研究動機與目的......3
第二章 基礎理論......4
2-1 即時性多角度光譜量測系統之光學理論......4
2-1-1 透鏡成像公式......4
2-1-2 無焦系統......5
2-1-3 閃耀光柵之理論與計算......6
2-1-4 空間濾波......8
2-1-5 朗伯光源與朗伯餘弦定理......11
2-2 光致發光之理論......12
2-3 有機發光二極體之理論......13
2-3-1 有機發光二極體之結構......13
2-3-2 電荷注入限制電流......15
2-3-3 空間電荷限制電流......17
2-3-4 量子效率......18
第三章 實驗方式與步驟......19
3-1 實驗製程......19
3-1-2 手套箱......20
3-1-3 有機發光二極體之製程與結構......21
3-1-4 實驗步驟......23
3-2 實驗量測......25
3-2-1 半導體參數分析儀......25
3-2-2 光纖量測系統......26
3-2-3 外部量子效率之計算......28
3-2-4 三倍頻Q-switch雷射量測系統......29
3-2-5 積分球光學檢測儀......30
第四章 實驗結果與討論......31
4-1 即時性多角度光譜量測系統之架設......31
4-2 系統校正......34
4-2-1 系統之成像品質......34
4-2-2 波長校正......36
4-2-3 角度校正......37
4-2-4 光強度校正......39
4-3 電致發光量測......46
4-4 光致發光量測......52
4-4-1 光致發光量測之架設......52
4-4-2 實驗方式及結果......53
4-4-3 結果討論......56
4-5 反射率量測......57
4-5-1 反射率量測之架設......57
4-5-2 實驗方式與結果......58
4-5-3 結果討論......60
第五章 結論與未來展望......62
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指導教授 張瑞芬(Jui-Fen Chang) 審核日期 2017-10-6
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