博碩士論文 104256005 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡烱堂(Chiung-Tang Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 利用點膠技術製作光學透鏡及其應用
(Fabrication and application of optical lens by dispensing technology)
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摘要(中) 目前常見的3D印刷透鏡技術,將材料進行加熱融化,通過噴嘴把材料擠出來,擠出後隨即會和前一層材料粘合在一起。但是層層堆疊情況下,透鏡表面為階梯狀。
摘要(英) Common 3D printing lens technology, the material is heated to melt, through the nozzle to extrude the material, extrusion and immediately after the previous layer of material bonded together. However, when stacked in layers, the lens surface is stepped.
Therefore, the present study proposes the use of jetting dispensing lens, the jet valve has the advantage of stable dispensing of a small dose of fluid, and can adapt to different viscosity of the fluid, is currently widely used in semiconductor packaging and assembly production. Experiment use a UV fluid that can be rapidly cured at room temperature and the fluid to merge prior to curing so that a very smooth surface can be obtained without any post processing.
The dispensing method possesses the advantage of being post-fabricated, and can be easily integrated with various lens-required components without the need for lens molds and dies for lens construction. In a small number of diverse product development or development schedules, and reduce many costs.
In this study, through the adjustment of the viscosity of fluid and the tooling heating, discussed the lens making process of changing the contact angle. Finally, the implementation of LED lens enhances the high-angle brightness and uses the lens array in the solar energy system to reduce the sun′s reflection and increase the second Refraction, so that solar cells can have a higher photoelectric conversion efficiency.
關鍵字(中) ★ 噴射閥
★ 點膠
★ 光學透鏡
關鍵字(英) ★ Jet Valve
★ Dispense
★ Optical Lens
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第1章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究背景 1
1-3 研究目的 5
1-4 研究貢獻 6
第2章 研究原理 10
2-1 表面張力(Surface tension) 10
2-2 接觸角(Contact angle) 11
2-3 濕潤現象(Wetting) 12
2-4 透鏡成像系統 14
2-5 接觸角曲面分析 16
第3章 研究設備與方法 18
3-1 量測儀器 18
3-1-1 影像量測儀 18
3-1-2 手持式分光光譜計 19
3-2 點膠設備 21
3-2-1 Asymtek dispensing system 21
3-2-2 Jet噴射點膠閥 26
3-2-3 操作軟體 FluidMove 30
3-2-4 閥頭與機台相對位置的7點校正 35
3-2-5 閥頭與機台的加速度位置校正 36
3-3 實驗材料 37
3-3-1 UV膠水 37
3-3-2 LED(EverLight GT3528) 38
3-3-3 太陽能電池 39
3-4 實驗流程 40
第4章 研究數據與分析 41
4-1 出膠穩定度 41
4-2 黏度對於接觸角的影響 44
4-3 溫度對於接觸角的影響 46
4-4 光學透鏡應用於LED 50
4-5 陣列透鏡應用於太陽能電池 56
第5章 結論 64
第6章 未來發展與應用 65
參考文獻 66
附錄一 69
附錄二 75
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指導教授 張榮森(Rong-Seng Chang) 審核日期 2017-12-28
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