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Chapter 2 Analysis of Contact Resistance Reduction
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Chapter 5 Future Works
[5.1] Shi-Li Zhang, “Untrathin Ni1-xPtx films as electrical contact in CMOS devices, ECS Trans”, vol. 45, Issue 6, pp.15-22, 2012.
[5.2] K. De Keyser et al., “Phase formation and thermal strability of untrathin Nickel Silicide on Si”, Applied Physics, Letter 96. 173503, 2010.
[5.3] Y. Nishi et. al, “Silicide wok function tuning by alloy approaches", IEEE International Electrical Device Meeting, pp. 135, 2007.
[5.4] Z. Zhang et. al, “Interface Dipole Engineering by dopant segregation”, IEEE International Electrical Device Meeting, vol. 28, No.7, pp.565, 2007. |