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黃子騰(Tzu-Teng Huang)
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土木工程學系在職專班 |
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
Harbor has always been one of the most important marine features in the world. It can be categorized according to its purpose into transportation use, military use, industrial use and recreational use, etc. It is the gateway for international goods transportation between countries and it is one of the most important aspects of economic development. Taiwan is surrounded by sea. It’s systematic and planned promotion of harbor construction started during the Japanese occupation period. There are currently eleven commercial ports in Taiwan, of which seven are international commercial ports and four are domestic commercial ports. In recent years, due to the continuous siltation of harbor seabed, the siltation of docks, swing pool and waterway inside the port area is becoming more and more serious. As a result, insufficient water depth in waterways and port are affecting the safety of operation. Take Taipei Port as an example, we use dredging vessels to dredge silt from existing waterways and port in order to maintain the water depth level so as not to affect the operation of the facilities.
In order to verify the rationality and practicability of this research model, this study takes the deployment of dredging equipment as an example. Because dredging operations varies depends on contract condition and dredging tools, different data will be used for simulation test. This model of integer programming can produce the minimum optimized operating cost and is most efficient. This model can also provide the best data to the operator to make quick and accurate decision. Therefore, this study can also be applied to the deployment of related equipment in maritime and construction projects. |
論文目次 |
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
圖 目 錄 vii
表目錄 ix
一、緒 論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究的目的與範圍 2
1-2-1 研究目的 2
1-2-2 研究範圍 2
1-3 研究方法與流程 3
1-3-1 研究方法 3
1-3-2 研究流程 3
二、文獻回顧 6
2-1 港灣浚渫工程及浚挖船機等相關文獻 6
2-2 營建工程人機作業調派資源最佳化相關文獻 7
2-3 文獻評述 10
三、模式構建及求解方法 12
3-1 問題描述及現況做法 12
3-1-1 問題描述 12
3-1-2 現況做法 18
3-2 模式建立 20
3-2-1 假設條件與已知資訊 21
3-2-2原標案合約規定工期日曆天模式一建立 23
3-2-3「每周休一天」模式二建立 26
3-2-4「每周休一天」並增加班別模式三建立 29
3-2-「每周休一天」並增加艙式受泥船模式四建立 32
3-2-「每周休一天」並變更浚挖船型式模式五建立 36
3-2-7 模式應用 39
3-3 求解方法與步驟 39
3-4 小結 41
四、範例測試 42
4-1 資料分析 42
4-1-1 問題規模 42
4-2 測試與結果分析 42
4-3 模式選用及綜合檢討 56
4-4 最佳化指派模式與人工經驗指派模式效益分析比較 57
4-5 敏感度分析 59
4-5-1 合約工期天數的增減變化之敏感度分析 60
4-5-2 增減碼頭可容納浚挖船機具數量之敏感度分析 61
4-5-3 浚挖船增減班別之敏感度分析 62
4-6 小結 63
五、結論與建議 64
5-1 結論 64
5-2 建議 65
參考文獻 66
附錄A 68
參考文獻 |
16.Andrew J. D., Marion W. J., Kenneth W. K, Jay R. L. and Richard E. H.“ Economic-Engineering Optimization for California Water Management”, JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT , 155-164,JUNE, 2003。
17.Mizumura K.徐義人譯,「海岸海洋工程學」,鼎文書局,1999。
18.Kolisch, R.,“Efficient Priority Rules for the Resource-
constrained Project Scheduling Problem”, Manuskripte aus den Instituten für Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Universität Kiel, No. 350, , August ,1994。
指導教授 |
審核日期 |
2018-1-8 |
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