博碩士論文 105352013 詳細資訊


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姓名 林韡紘(Wei-Hung Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 市區道路透水性鋪面檢測及監測績效分析–以桃園市蘆竹區大華北街為例
(Performance analysis of permeable pavement monitoring and testing on urban roads-case study by Taoyuan Luzhu district Da-hua north street)
★ 公共工程統包模式執行專案成員間問題 之研究★ 水泥製程於資源再利用之研究
★ 防水毯的生管與品管之探討★ 建置生命紀念園區營運階段管理模式之研究 以新北市某民間公共紀念園區為例
★ 軍用機場跑道鋪面維護管理暨搶修作業機制之研究★ TAF 檢驗機構認證申請之研究- 以混凝土後置式化學錨栓檢驗為例
★ 利用UML建構實驗室資訊管理平台-以合約審查為例★ 營建施工管理導入即時性資訊傳遞工具功能需求之研究
★ 鋪面養護決策支援分析模式之研究★ 營建材料實驗室量測系統評估及誤差分析
★ 以績效為基礎的公路養護組織與機制之研究★ 智慧型鋪面檢測車平坦度量測驗證與應用
★ 公路設施養護管理程序建立及成本分析之研究-以IDEF方法建立鋪面養護作業程序★ 利用花崗岩及玻璃回收料製造功能性人造石材之研究
★ 自動化鋪面平整度量測分析與破壞影像偵測系統之研究★ 鋪面缺陷影像辨識系統應用於路網檢測之研究
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摘要(中) 最近幾年來,氣候變的不穩定,有趨向於極端的變化,隨著工業化及都市化發展程度,及人口成長迅速對於土地開發的需求增高,人類活動造成的環境變化及潛在衝擊是無法避免,一直以來我們對抗天災都以消極的處理方式來面對,越來越多災害及造成生命財產損失發生,因此為了避免生態浩劫,又不影響經濟發展之下,引進了國外「低衝擊開發策略」,這概念主要是將暴雨逕流的管理方式,自然地融入到人類開發行為中,本次研究就針對人類生命經濟文化發展重要之設施-道路,以海綿理念來對應低衝擊開發策略。

摘要(英) In recent years, the instability of climate has tended to extreme changes. With the development of industrialization and urbanization and the rapid increase in population demand for land development, environmental changes and potential impacts caused by human activities are unavoidable. All along, natural disasters have been dealt with in a negative way. More and more disasters and loss of life and property have taken place. Therefore, in order to avoid ecological catastrophe and not affect economic development, the introduction of foreign "low impact development strategy This concept mainly integrates management of storm runoff into human development behavior naturally. This study deals with the low-impact development strategy based on the sponge concept, which is an important facility for the development of human life, economy and culture.
Roads are important facilities in the history of human development. In the past, the use of impervious pavement design not only gave rise to runoff on the surface but also caused the soil to lose good penetration and conserve water, thus depriving the soil of the living conditions of microorganisms and reducing the size of the earth The ability to nourish the plant.
A large number of impervious pavement increased, the relative reduction of the natural vegetation cover, reduce the infiltration of rain into the ground water, making water evaporation, can not adjust the surface temperature, heat island effect, high temperature and desiccation situation is serious; in the past urban public Drainage facilities are responsible for the current heavy rainfall, typhoons, heavy rains have flooded phenomenon, without considering the land water, infiltration, stagnation or delayed flood peak, no matter how many of the flood control facilities are unable to withstand the sudden changes in the storm climate, in order to improve the earth Permeability, to increase its water retention effect, the road must use permeable pavement to increase the surface permeable area, without affecting human development or environmental protection, resulting sponge roads.
This research road breaks through the ordinary roads and discharges the water as soon as possible into the drainage system to discharge the old thinking and integrate the existing water conservancy ditches to provide a sponge road with low infiltration and development such as infiltration, water retention and groundwater recharge.
The upper reaches of the water source uses the central island water conservancy ditch as the main channel for flood discharge. In case of heavy rainfall, it can be diverted to both sides of the ditch system, effectively flood diversion and flood reduction. However, surface runoff penetrates into the road base and rainwater can no longer enter the side ditch through surface drains , To achieve the reduction function and greatly reduce the occurrence of flooding.
Following the adoption of the Japanese specification for C40 permeable grading to increase subgrade permeability, load bearing capacity, construction efficiency and reduce budget and easy access to materials, bearing capacity and water permeability during construction, the introduction of smart city concept to network cloud technology link Engineering monitoring equipment, sharing all the monitoring data with the municipal government, so that superior units can also understand the operation of local infrastructure, combining the concept of smart city and Internet of Things.

Keywords: Permeable paving, low impact development, peak delay
關鍵字(中) ★ 透水鋪面
★ 低衝擊開發
★ 洪峰延滯
關鍵字(英) ★ Permeable pavement
★ low impact development
★ peak delay
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiv
一、 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究流程 7
二、 文獻回顧 8
2-1 市區道路透水性鋪面種類定位及設計分析 8
2-1-1 透水性鋪面種類 8
2-1-2 透水性鋪面設計原則 9
2-1-3 透水性鋪面設計分析 10
2-1-4 排水系統的設計要求 11
2-1-5 表面水設計滲入量 12
2-1-6 排水基底層厚度設計 12
2-2 透水鋪面監測系統設計原則 24
2-2-1 現地檢測 24
2-2-2 實驗室試驗 28
2-3 桃園市透水鋪面監測案例 34
2-3-1 桃園市龍慈路試驗設備及功能 34
2-3-2 龍慈路監測設備佈設位置 36
2-4 中壢市三民路透水鋪面 40
2-5 透水性鋪面材料規範及特性 51
三、 透水性鋪面場址成效檢測分析 66
3-1 土壤滲透及承載基本參數 66
3-1-1 土壤滲透調查工作範圍 66
3-1-2 工作內容 66
3-1-3 土壤承載基本參數 74
3-1-4 土壤葛洛夫滲透試驗 75
3-2 降雨強度分析 76
3-2-1 降雨強度檢核 76
3-3 鋪面配置及結構強度分析 78
3-3-1 環境調查與評估 79
3-3-2 道路設計部份 80
3-3-3 結構強度檢核 81
3-4 各層材料透水成效分析 84
3-4-1 透水混凝土孔隙率及滲透係數 84
3-4-2 多孔隙瀝青混凝土孔隙率及滲透係數 88
3-4-3 透水級配C40承載力及滲透係數 95
3-5 現地檢測成效分析 107
3-5-1 對照組路基承載力成果分析 107
3-5-2 實驗組底層承載力及滲透係數成果分析 111
四、 水性鋪面監測系統建置 114
4-1 透水性鋪面監測儀器配置 115
4-1-1 大華北街海綿道路監控系統說明: 115
4-1-2 單元設備設定及管理維護要點 116
4-1-3 測尺型流量傳訊站 119
4-1-4 數位式浮筒式流量站 121
4-2 水利灌溉溝渠雨水貯留應用監測 123
4-2-1 分隔島溝渠導入流量傳訊站 123
4-2-2 中央分隔島水利溝監測設置 125
4-3 道路側溝流量監測計算 130
4-3-1 側溝流量傳訊站 130
(寬頂堰型,多功能感測尺,兼測淤積) 130
4-3-2 計算方式 132
4-3-3 各堰口水位-流量率定曲線: 136
4-4 透水性鋪面溫度及含水量監測 139
4-4-1 入滲效能及車道溫度感測設備規範(慢車道鋪面滲透、溫度傳訊站) 139
五、 監測數據分析與成效驗證 143
5-1 側溝及中央溝渠監測數據蒐集 143
5-1-1 降雨、流量與保水圖形分析 143
5-2 透水性鋪面監測數據蒐集 153
5-2-1 入滲效能及車道溫度感測設備規範 153
5-3 降雨後之保水量及逕流削減之成效 162
5-3-1 降雨後之保水量 162
5-3-2 排水系統計算 165
5-3-3 保水量計算 167
5-3-4 逕流削減之成效 168
5-4 數據雲端計算分析 171
5-5 本章小結 174
六、 結論與建議 175
6-1 結論 175
6-2 建議 176
文獻參考 177
附錄 180

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指導教授 林志棟(Jyh-Dong Lin) 審核日期 2018-1-30
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