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姓名 洪祥益(Siang-Yi Hong) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系 論文名稱 單面及雙面旋性聚合物穩固藍相液晶之光電特性
(Electro-optical properties of single- and double-side chiral polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystals)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 藍相液晶最初被發現時僅存在於相當窄小的溫度範圍,而至今已有許多使藍相液晶存在溫度範圍拓寬的方法被提出,其中由日本H. Kikuchi教授團隊所提出的高分子聚合物穩固藍相液晶(Polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystals)為目前最常被利用於拓寬藍相液晶存在溫度範圍的方法。本實驗室於2016年提出相較於Kikuchi教授團隊不同的拓寬藍相液晶存在溫度範圍的方法,此為表面穩固藍相液晶(Surface-stabilized blue phase liquid crystals),而本論文將探討於兩種不同聚合方式對於藍相液晶光電特性之影響。
摘要(英) One of the advantages of blue phase liquid crystals (BPLCs) is the property of fast response. However, the intrinsic temperature range of BPLCs is too narrow to be applied for real application. To expand the temperature range of BPLCs, several methods have been proposed. Among them, in 2002, Kikuchi et al. proposed a useful method to expand the temperature range of BPLCs based on polymer stabilization technique, which is the most commonly used method to widen the temperature range of BPLCs. In 2016, our lab proposed another method to broaden the temperature range of the BPLCs by surface stabilization technique. In this study, a comparison of electro-optical (EO) properties between the polymer stabilized (PS) BPLCs and the surface stabilized (SS) BPLCs will be made. Moreover, some characteristics of EO properties of SSBPLCs and PSBPLCs will also be demonstrated.
The study can be divided into three parts. First, we will discuss the change of effective refractive index difference of PSBPLCs under various applied voltages, whose direction is perpendicular to the substrate, by an inclined input light beam. Second, we will discuss the method to decrease the operation voltage of PSBPLCs. The operation voltage is high/low with/without adding photo-initiator in PSBPLCs. Third, the polarization dependent diffraction patterns and efficiencies of PSBPLCs and SSBPLCs will also be investigated. In the second and third parts of experiments, we will show that the optical hysteresis effect of SSBPLCs is smaller than that of PSBPLCs. Moreover, the response time of PSBPLCs/SSBPLCs in the second and third experiments will also be investigated.
We believe that the investigation in this study will be a useful reference to further studies of the SSBPLCs/PSBPLCs. Either the SSBPLCs or PSBPLCs have great potential to be applied for optical devices, such as LC display, grating, etc.
關鍵字(中) ★ 藍相液晶
★ 旋性聚合物關鍵字(英) 論文目次 摘要................................................................................................................................ii
第一章 緒論........................................................................................................1
1.1 前言........................................................................................................1
1.2 動機........................................................................................................1
1.3 論文架構................................................................................................1
第二章 液晶簡介................................................................................................4
2-1 液晶導論................................................................................................4
2-2 液晶分類................................................................................................5
2-3 液晶物理特性......................................................................................15
第三章 藍相液晶簡介及實驗相關理論..........................................................23
3-1 何謂藍相液晶......................................................................................23
3-1.1 藍相液晶雙螺旋結構..........................................................................24
3-1.2 藍相液晶光電特性..............................................................................26
3-2 藍相液晶的判別方式..........................................................................30
3-2.1 偏光顯微鏡(Polarized optical microscopy).........................................30
3-2.2 反射頻譜(Reflection spectrum)...........................................................30
3-2.3 差示掃描量熱分析(Differential scanning calorimetry,DSC)..........31
3-2.4 科索圖形(Kossel diagrams).................................................................32
3-3 藍相液晶寬溫技術..............................................................................34
3-3.1 高分子穩定藍相液晶..........................................................................34
3-3.2 藍相液晶模板......................................................................................35
3-4 光柵的分類和特性..............................................................................36
第四章 實驗方法與實驗過程..........................................................................41
4-1 實驗材料介紹......................................................................................41
4-2 液晶盒製程..........................................................................................44
4-2.1 材料配製..............................................................................................44
4-2.2 玻璃基板處理......................................................................................44
4-2.3 ITO與IPS液晶盒製作方法...............................................................45
4-2.4 液晶注入方法......................................................................................46
4-3 實驗架設..............................................................................................46
第五章 實驗結果與討論..................................................................................53
5-1 主體藍相液晶......................................................................................53
5-1.1 主體藍相液晶存在溫寬範圍..............................................................53
5-1.2 主體藍相液晶之光電特性..................................................................54
5-2 聚合物穩定藍相液晶於各向電場之光電特性..................................58
5-2.1 聚合物穩固藍相液晶..........................................................................59
5-2.2 施加橫向電場於聚合物穩固藍相液晶..............................................62
5-2.3 施加正向電場於聚合物穩固藍相液晶..............................................64
5-3 光起始劑於聚合物穩定藍相液晶之影響..........................................71
5-3.1 藍相液晶存在溫寬範圍之比較..........................................................71
5-3.2 電控穿透度之比較..............................................................................73
5-3.3 反應時間之比較..................................................................................79
5-4 雙重聚合物穩固藍相液晶..................................................................83
5-4.1 表面旋性聚合物處理之橫向電場液晶盒製程..................................83
5-4.2 雙重聚合物穩固藍相液晶之光電特性..............................................84
5-4.3 基板表面有無旋性聚合物對於藍相液晶繞射之影響......................91
第六章 結論與未來展望................................................................................104
6-1 結論....................................................................................................104
6-2 未來展望............................................................................................106
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