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姓名 婭妮(Paula Ascaryani Effrianto) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 地球科學學系 論文名稱 台灣西南下枋寮盆地天然氣水合物調查同中點集的AVA/AVO模擬、分析和逆推
(AVO/AVA Modeling, Analysis and Inversion of CMP Gathers for Gas Hydrates Investigation in Lower Fangliao Basin, SW-Taiwan)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 多頻道反射震測測線MGL0908-TST於潛在富含水合物的台灣西南海域枋寮盆地進行調查、探勘,並辨識及標示異常區域。傳統相似 (semblance)速度評估顯示存在海底仿擬反射(BSR)處的下方為低速帶而其上方為高速帶之異常速度分佈。BSR在震測剖面中被廣泛地用來判斷甲烷水合物的存在。該狀態的產生其岩性的改變扮演一個大角色。
岩石物理參數可被用來當作重合後聲性阻抗(PoSAInv)與重合前彈性阻抗(PreSEInv) 逆推的初始猜測值。透過疊代修正聲性阻抗(AI)、彈性阻抗(EI)與彈性係數模型後,逆推結果展示出更細緻化的Vp、Vs、密度和Vp/Vs量測值。將細緻化物理參數的空間分佈疊合至震測剖面可進一步用於解釋。另外,逆推解可視為擬井測(pseudo-log),並用於表現含天然氣水合物沉積帶(GHBSZ)、BSR及游離氣帶(FGZ)的地層厚度。此外,逆推後的模型可進一步被重合前AVA校驗。本論文提出量化三個主要地層GHBSZ、BSR及FGZ的厚度值與岩石參數的方法,以及該區域的含天然氣水合物砂岩系統。基於Biot-Gassmann近似,預估含天然氣水合物沉積物的孔隙率和飽和度分別約為40%和26%。故透過本論文提出的方法可以來量測天然氣水合物的潛在賦存量。
摘要(英) Seismic exploration was acquired along Fangliao Basin. The anomalous target zones had been identified along MGL0908-TST line as high potential hydrates concentration. The conventional semblance velocity estimation showed that the anomalous velocity distribution occurred with the presence of low velocity existing below Bottom Simulating Reflectors (BSR) and high velocity above BSR. The presence of methane hydrate is broadly inferred by BSR on the seismic profile. It means that lithology changes play a big role to generate this condition.
The AVO/AVA effect is investigated based on amplitude preservation data processing workflow strategy to measure the effected thin layer geometry along CMP 3541 to 3700 and relative reflection coefficient (RC) curves at different CMP locations. The post-stack AVO modeling suggests that the BSR has a thickness of approximately 14 m. The pre-stack AVO/AVA modeling and analysis determined reflection coefficient trends that provide information about fluid changes. The pre-stack AVO/AVA modeling establishes the 1-D velocities (Vp, Vs) and density (ρ) for some typical CMP gathers along with the anomalous zone. The model is crucial to initiate the inversion procedure. The further AVA modeling through relative and absolute AVA curves at several specified interfaces is necessary to refine the predefined 1-D velocities and density model. The relative AVA responses are measured with RC 0.27 to 0.1 for seafloor, -0.01 to -0.12 for the top of BSR and 0.02 to 0.18 for bottom BSR as a function of incidence angles. The absolute AVA curves calculation measures by computing all possible combination of Vp, Vs, and rock physics parameters based on Zoeppritz approximation, thus representing the relative AVA responses. According to the fitting and searching cluster of data points, we could estimate the acoustic (Ip) and elastic (Ip and Is) impedance and obtain the better-constrained velocities (Vp, Vs) and density distribution of the layer above and below the seafloor, BSR-Top, and BSR-bottom which were used for references.
The rock physics parameters are used as an initial guess values for post-stack acoustic impedance (PoSAInv) and pre-stack elastic impedance (PreSEInv) inversions. The inversion revealed the detail estimations of Vp, Vs, ρ, and Vp/Vs by iteratively refining the acoustic impedance (AI), elastic impedance (EI) and elastic modulus models. The refined spatial distribution of physical properties superimposed on the seismic data are further used for interpretation. In addition, the inverted solutions can be treated as pseudo-log to reveal the thickness of gas hydrate bearing sediment zone (GHBSZ), BSR, and free gas zone (FGZ). Furthermore, the inverted model can be further verified by pre-stack AVA analysis. The proposed approach quantified the thickness and rock properties of three major layers and its potential gas hydrate-bearing sand system within the study area. Those three major layers are the GHBSZ zone, BSR, and FGZ. Based on Biot-Gassmann’s approximation, the predicted porosity and saturation of gas hydrate-bearing sediments are approximately 40% and 26%, respectively. From here thereafter, we can estimate the potential gas-hydrate reserved through proposed approach.
關鍵字(中) ★ 甲烷水合物
★ 海底仿擬反射
★ 振幅隨支距變化分析
★ 振幅隨支距變化合成模擬
★ 振幅的反转随分支而变化關鍵字(英) ★ Hydrates
★ AVO/AVA Modeling
★ AVO/AVA Analysis
★ AVO Inversion論文目次 Table of Contents
Abstract ……………………………………………………………….......................................i
Table of Contents………………………………………………………...................................iii
List of Figures……………………………………………………………………………...….vi
List of Tables ……………………………………………………………………………...…..x
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1. Gas Hydrate ...................................................................................................................1
1.2. Geological Setting…………………………………………………………………… ..3
1.3. Objectives of the Study………………………………………………………………...6
1.4. Overall Thesis Arrangement………………………………………………………… ..6
Chapter 2 AVO Theory, Synthetic Modeling and Tuning Effect Analysis
2.1. AVO/AVA Theory…………………………………………………………………...18
2.1.1. Exact reflection and Transmission Coefficient Equation and Simplifications..18
2.1.2. AVO/AVA Classification………………………………………………….…22
2.1.3. Offset and Angle Dependent Reflection Coefficient………………………....23
2.1.4. Offset to the Angle Domain Conversion and Super Gather Construction.…...24
2.2. AVO/AVA Modeling ……………………………………………………………….. 25
2.2.1. Rock Physics Parameterization……………………………………………… 26 Gardner’s Velocity and Density Transform………………………....26 Hamilton’s Velocity and Density Relation for Marine Case………. .27 Castagna’s Vp to Vs Convertion…………………………………….27
2.2.2. Post-stack AVO Modeling………………...………………………………….28
2.2.3. Pre-stack AVA Modeling……….…………………………………….……...32 Pre-stack AVA Modeling of CMP Angle Gather and Searching for Rock Parameters…..………………………………………….……..33
2.3. The Analysis and Interpretation of Post-stack AVO and Pre-stack AVA Modeling results……………………………………………………………………..……....... 35
2.3.1 Post-stack AVO Modeling…………………………………………………...35
2.3.2 Pre-stack AVO Modeling: Relative AVA Curve Fitting and Searching......…37
Chapter 3 Post-stack Data, AVO/AVA Modeling, and Analysis for Initial Guess Model…...63
3.1. Data Description……………………………………………………………………...63
3.1.1. Reflection Characteristic of the BSR Area …………………………………..64
3.1.2. Structure, Lithology and Fault Features Interpretation ………………………64
3.2. Seismic Attributes ……………………………………………………………………68
3.2.1. Complex Trace Analysis: Amplitude, Frequency, Phase ………….................68 Instantaneous Amplitude (Reflection Strength) …………………….69 Instantaneous Phase …………………………………………………70 Instantaneous Frequency ……………………………………………70 Filter 15-20-25-30 …………………………………………………..71 Seismic Attributes Interpretation ……………………………………72
3.3. AVO Attributes …………………………………………………………………….73
3.3.1. Intercept (A) ………………………………………………………………….73
3.3.2. Gradient (B) ………………………………………………………………….73
3.3.3. Product of Intercept (A) and Gradient (B) ……………………………………73
3.3.4. Derived Attributes Scaled Poisson’s Ratio Change (aA+bB) ………………..74
3.3.5. Seismic AVO Attributes Analysis in the Study Area.………………………..74
3.4. Post-stack AVO Modeling ………………………………………………………….76
3.4.1. The Real Data Examination and Horizon Interpretation …………………….78
3.4.2. Velocity and Density Determination …………………………………………79
3.4.3. The Modeling Analysis and Interpretation …………………..………………80
3.5. Pre-stack AVO Modeling ……………………..…………………………………….82
3.5.1. Data …………………………………………………………………………..82
3.5.2. Initialization of Elastic Impedance (EI) Initial Guess Models ………………..82
3.5.3. Iterative Pre-stack AVO CMP Data Modeling………………..…....…………83
3.6. Pre-stack AVA Modeling: Relative AVA Curve Fitting and Searching Possible Model Parameters …………………………………………………………………………..84
3.6.1. Absolute and Relative Seafloor’s AVA Curves ………………………..……85
3.6.2. Absolute and Relative BSR-Top’s AVA Curves ……………………………..86
3.6.3. Absolute and Relative BSR-Bottom’s AVA Curves …………………………87
3.7. The Elastic Impedance Initial Guess Models (EI-IGM) ……………………………..88
Chapter 4 The Post-stack Acoustic Impedance Inversion (PosAInv), Pre-stack Elastic Impedance Inversion (PreSEInv) and Results Verification
4.1. AVO/AVA Inversion ……………………………………………………………...118
4.1.1. Post-stack Acoustic Impedance Inversion (PoSAInv) ……………………...118
4.1.2. Pre-stack Elastic Impedance Inversion (PreSEInv) …………………………119
4.1.3. The Use of Fixed Constrain for Inversion Algorithm ………………………122
4.2. The Porosity and Saturation of Hydrate Calculation ………………………………123
4.2.1. Biot Gassman’s Equation …………………………………………………...123
4.3. Post-stack Acoustic Impedance Inversion: Analysis and Results …………………125
4.3.1. Post-Stack AI Inversion (PoSAInv) QC Analysis ………………………….126
4.3.2. Results ……………………………………………………………………... 126
4.4. Pre-Stack Elastic Impedance Inversion (PreSEInv) QC Analysis ………………….128
4.4.1. PreSEInv QC Analysis ……………………………………...………………129
4.4.2. Results …………………………………………….. ……………………….131
4.4.3. Pseudo-Log Categorization and PreSEInv Distributions ………………... …132
4.4.4. The Elastic Moduli, Saturation, Porosity and Poisson’s Ratio of Hydrate-Bearing Sediment ………………………………………….. ………………133
4.5. The Verification of PreSEInv Solution ……………………………………………134
4.5.1. The Pre-stack AVA Modeling of PreSEInv Solutions ………..……………134
4.5.2. The Calculated Elastic Properties and References …………………………135
Chapter 5 Discussion, Conclusions……………………………….. ……………………… 161
5.1. Discussions………………………………………………………………………...161
5.2. Conclusions……………………………….……………………………………….168
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指導教授 陳浩維(How-Wei Chen) 審核日期 2018-1-22 推文 plurk
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