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姓名 慧美麗(Huynh Mai Ly)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 臺灣中部晚期中新世至更新世二氧化碳 儲集層及蓋層之地層暨礦物組成研究
(A Stratigraphic and Mineralogical Study of the Late Miocene to Pleistocene Reservoir and Seal Rocks for Carbon Storage in Central Taiwan)
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摘要(中) 本研究顯示位於中部台灣的台西盆地中,晚期中新世至更新世的厚砂岩及頁岩,適合地下儲集二氧化碳。具有潛能的二氧化碳封存之儲集層及蓋層,由晚期中新世至更新世之桂竹林層、錦水頁岩及卓蘭層所組成,並出露在三義斷層上盤大甲溪河床。藉由野外露頭研究,可了解地層特徵,包含地層厚度與沉積物粒徑大小。研究結果指出,由關刀山砂岩段、十六分頁岩段及魚藤坪砂岩段所組成的桂竹林層,出露厚度約為319公尺,可成為良好的二氧化碳儲集層;錦水頁岩厚度約為187公尺,可成為良好地蓋層;而下部卓蘭層的厚度約為300公尺。
  我們研究上述地層之礦物及化學組成,研究樣本包含桂竹林層32個、錦水頁岩12個以及卓蘭層10個。岩相分析的結果顯示,主要的二氧化碳儲集砂岩中,顆粒主要以石英(55-60%)、沉積岩岩屑(15-25%)及長石(5-7%)所組成,此外還有一些細粒基質礦物或膠結物(5-10%)。礦物X光繞射分析結果顯示,砂岩主要黏土礦物組成及其比例為伊萊石(30-70%)、綠泥石(20-40%)、高嶺石(20-30%)及混層黏土(0-10%);在錦水頁岩中,主要的黏土礦物組成比例則為伊萊石(20-50%)、綠泥石(25-45%)、高嶺石(15-30%)及混層黏土(0-15%)。此外,藉由X光螢光分析所測量的微量元素結果顯示,岩石樣本中含非常微量(~206 ppm)的可溶性元素(Cu, Co, V, Cr, Sr, Ba, Pb),其總量可忽略不計;其中難以溶解於地層水中的元素(Cd, Zn, Se, Mo)之濃度則更低,介於2.5-110 ppm之間。
摘要(英) Studies show that a few Miocene to Pleistocene pairs of thick sandstone and shale formations of the Taihsi Basin in central Taiwan are suitable for implementing CO2 geosequestration. Potential CO2 reservoir and seal rocks of the Kueichulin Formation, Chinshui Shale and Cholan Formation of late Miocene to early Pleistocene in age are exposed in the hanging wall of the Sanyi Fault and along the Tachia River bed. We investigated the stratigraphic characteristics of the exposed formations, including bed thickness and grain size by establishing a stratigraphic and sedimentologic column on the hanging wall of the Sanyi Fault. Our results show that the Kueichulin Formation, consisting of Kuantaoshan Sandstone Member, Shihliufen Shale Member and Yutingping Sandstone Member, is floored by the Sanyi Fault and reaches ~319 m in thickness. The Chinshui Shale, considered as the main seal rock, is around 187 m thick while the measured lower part of the Cholan Formation is ~300 m in thickness.
We collected 32 samples from the Kueichulin Formation, 12 samples from the Chinshui Shale and 10 samples from the Cholan Formation to study their mineralogical and chemical compositions. Petrographic analyses reveal that the framework grains for the main CO2 reservoir sandstones consist predominantly of quartz (55-60%), sedimentary rock fragments (15-25%) and feldspar (5-7%) in addition to fine-grained matrix minerals or cement (5-10 %). X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analyses show that predominant clay minerals in sandstones are illite (30-70%), chlorite (20-40%), kaolinite (20-30%) and mixed-layered clays (0-10%). The Chinshui Shale serves as the main seal rocks, whose clay minerals and abundance are as follows, illite (20-50%), chlorite (25-45%), kaolinite (15-30%) and mixed-layered clays (0-15%). Moreover, trace elements from X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) results reveal that rock samples contain negligible total amount (~206 ppm) of dissolvable elements (Cu, Co, V, Cr, Sr, Ba, Pb). Elements that are not easily dissolved in the formation water, such as (Cd, Zn, Se, Mo) are even less with concentration ranging from 2.5-110 ppm.
Many individual sandstone beds of the Kueichulin Formation are more than 20 m in thickness and contain quartz, sedimentary rock fragments, feldspar and fine-grained matrix minerals, serving as good CO2 reservoirs. The reservoir layer is capped by the Chinshui Shale, a thick succession of seal rock, up to 187 m along the Tachia River. The lower Cholan Formation is characterized by interbedded sandstone and shale layers, with an individual sandstone bed up to 10-15 m thick and an individual shale bed up to 3 m thick, serving as a possible multi-sealing CO2 geosequestration system.
關鍵字(中) ★ 地層
★ 礦物組成
★ 儲集層
★ 蓋層
關鍵字(英) ★ Stratigraphic
★ Mineralogical
★ Reservoir
★ Seal Rocks
論文目次 摘要.............................................................................................................................. i
Abstract ..................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................... v
Contents ..................................................................................................................... vi
List of Figures ..........................................................................................................viii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................... x
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Preface and Motivation ....................................................................................... 1
1.2 Geological background and geosequestration system .......................................... 3
1.2.1 Kueichulin Formation: Kuantaoshan Sandstone Member, Shihliufen Shale and Yutengping Sandstone Member ...................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Chinshui Shale ............................................................................................. 5
1.2.3 Cholan Formation ......................................................................................... 5
1.3 Literature Review ............................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Sandstone and clay minerals in Central Taiwan ............................................ 6
1.3.2 The interaction between carbon dioxide and minerals ................................... 7 Reactions within the host formation ....................................................... 8 Reactions with the cap rock .................................................................... 8
1.3.3 Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) studies in North and Western Taiwan.... 9
Chapter 2 Methods ..................................................................................................... 18
2.1 Sample location and procedural overview ......................................................... 18
2.2 Rock thin section preparation............................................................................ 18
2.3 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) of whole rock ............................................................ 20
2.4 X-ray diffraction of clay minerals ..................................................................... 22
2.4.1 Clay minerals and ethylene glycol saturated test specimen preparation ....... 22
2.4.2 The identification and analysis of clay minerals.......................................... 24
2.4.3 Semi-quantitative analyses of clay minerals................................................ 262.5 X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyses .................................................................. 27
Chapter 3 Results ....................................................................................................... 43
3.1 Petrography Analyses ....................................................................................... 43
3.2 X-ray Diffraction of whole rock........................................................................ 45
3.3 X-ray Diffraction of clay minerals .................................................................... 46
3.4 X-ray Fluorescence analyses ............................................................................. 48
Chapter 4 Discussion ................................................................................................. 72
4.1 Stratigraphy column of Tachia River bed in correlation with CO2 injection potential in Taichung Foreland Basin ..................................................................... 72
4.2 Carbon dioxide migration and trapping mechanism .......................................... 77
Chapter 5 Conclusions ............................................................................................... 83
References ................................................................................................................. 85
Appendix ................................................................................................................... 91
Appendix I: The quantity Δ2θ in clay minerals estimation ...................................... 91
Appendix II: X-Ray Diffraction in whole-rock results ............................................ 94
Appendix III: X-Ray Diffraction of clay mineral results ......................................... 98
Appendix IV: X-Ray Fluorescence result ............................................................. 104
Appendix V: Petrographic images ........................................................................ 121
Appendix VI: Field works .................................................................................... 126
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指導教授 林殿順 張午龍(Tien-Shun Lin Wu-Lung Chang) 審核日期 2018-1-26
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