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姓名 李佩珊(Pei-San Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 人力資源部門客戶服務代表角色與功能探討-以某科技公司為例
(A case study of a technology company : The role and function of Account Service representatives in Human Resources department)
★ 傳統食品業之轉型與品質升級策略探討-以P公司為例★ 航空器維修訓練調整策略探討-以C公司為例
★ 企業社會責任ヽ內控內稽制度措施的探討-以T銀行為例★ 主管管理職能評鑑與驗證-以A公司為例
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摘要(中) 面對全球化環境快速轉變,企業在外部競爭力壓力及組織提升需求下,人力資源部門角色從以往單一領域躍居到多元及跨越疆界領域。自1997年Ulrich對於人力資源角色定義後,人資策略夥伴成為人資從業人員最重要的角色,而人資客戶服務代表也成為人力資源角色功能發展趨勢。人力資源部門以「顧客服務」為導向,將人力資源人員直接派駐至事業單位服務,協助事業單位進行人力資源發展策略規劃與組織運作,達成事業單位發展目標。




摘要(英) Facing the rapid transformation of the global environment, the role of the Human Resources department has leaped from the previous single field to the domain of multiple and cross-border areas under the pressure of external competitiveness and the need for organization promotion.

Since the Human Resource role was defined by Ulrich in 1997, Human Resource strategy partners have become the most important role of human funded employees, and Human Resource Account Service (AS) representatives have also become the development trend of Human Resource role function. The Human Resources department, with the guidance of "Account Service", directly dispatched Human Resources personnel to service units, assisted the institutions to carry out the planning and organization of Human Resources development strategy and organization, and reached the development goals of the institutions.

In the past, most of the academic research reports were limited to the role of Human Resource strategic partners, and few case studies were conducted. Since 2002, the case of the company has introduced the system of Account Service representative under the organization development.

This study collects 56 valid samples and 76.7% recovery rate through the questionnaire survey, and investigates and analyzes the role of the current Account Service representative system role of the case of the company and the feedback and suggestion of the service provider and the Served.

The results show that the case study of the company can achieve the immediate service through the division of Human Resources specialization, the integration of resources and the integration of resources and the E-system platform. Only in the Human Resources policy and the development of the institutions, the Human Resources headquarters have low level of support and communication, the role positioning is not clear, the manpower allocation is not enough, and the standard of human capital operation and the lack of systematization can be strengthened.

The results of this study and suggestions for further improvement will help to provide suggestions for the management of case study of the company and the implementation of enterprise system planning.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人資客戶服務代表 關鍵字(英) ★ HR Account Service
論文目次 一、緒論....................................1
1-1 研究背景...............................1
1-2 研究動機與目的.........................3
2-1 人力資源角色演進.......................4
2-2 人力資源組織結構之設計..................8
2-3 人資客戶服務代表運作模式...............13
3-1 研究方法..............................25
3-2 研究對象..............................29
3-3 問卷設計..............................29
4-1 個案公司..............................32
4-2 人力資源部門與事業單位運作分析..........33
4-3 人力資源部門組織與運作.................35
5-1 問卷樣本回收統計分析...................38
5-2 人資客戶服務代表制度調查分析...........40
5-3 提供服務者與被服務者評價差異探討........52
6-1 研究結果..............................54
6-2 研究建議..............................58
參考文獻 1.英文部分
〔1〕Issac, Stephen & Michael, William B., (1983), Handbook in Research and Evaluation. San Diego, Ca: Edits
〔2〕Knapp, D. (2004). If you′re in HR, you′re likely in HR transformation. Employee Benefit Plan Review, 58(9), 9-13.
〔3〕Leifer, R., & Delbecq, A. (1978). Organizational/environmental interchange: A model of boundary spanning activity. Academy of Management Review, 3(1), 40-50.
〔4〕Ulrich, D. (1997). Human resource champions.Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.
〔5〕Ulrich, D., & Brockbank, W. (2005). The HR value proposition: Harvard Business Press.
〔6〕Ulrich, D., Younger, J., & Brockbank, W. (2008). The twenty‐first‐century HR organization. Human Resource Management, 47(4), 829-850.
〔7〕Wimmer, R. D., & Dominick, J. R. (1994). An introduction to mass media research. California: Wadsworth.
〔8〕Issac, Stephen & Michael, William B., (1983), Handbook in Research and Evaluation. San Diego, Ca: Edits
〔9〕Knapp, D. (2004). If you′re in HR, you′re likely in HR transformation. Employee Benefit Plan Review, 58(9), 9-13.
〔10〕Leifer, R., & Delbecq, A. (1978). Organizational/environmental interchange: A model of boundary spanning activity. Academy of Management Review, 3(1), 40-50.
〔11〕Ulrich, D. (1997). Human resource champions.Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.
〔12〕Ulrich, D., & Brockbank, W. (2005). The HR value proposition: Harvard Business Press.
〔13〕Ulrich, D., Younger, J., & Brockbank, W. (2008). The twenty‐first‐century HR organization. Human Resource Management, 47(4), 829-850.
〔14〕Wimmer, R. D., & Dominick, J. R. (1994). An introduction to mass media research. California: Wadsworth.
〔7〕陳惠如,「策略人資單位新定位,以顧客服務為導向的-Account Service制度」,人才資本雜誌,2006年11月。
〔8〕凱洛.安德森(Carol Anderson),「人資的位子何在?」,哈佛商業評論,20-21頁,2015年7月。
〔10〕戴夫.尤瑞奇(Dave Ulrich)著,人力資源最佳實務,李芳齡譯,商周出版,台北,2001。
指導教授 黃同圳 王群孝(Tung-Chun Huang Chun-Hsiao Wang) 審核日期 2018-6-22
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