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姓名 徐峻賢(Chun-Hsien Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 認知與神經科學研究所
論文名稱 表音一致性、聲旁結合度對中文閱讀的影響
(Consistency and combinability effects in reading Chinese characters)
★ 探索電玩遊戲頻率對於視覺注意力表現能力的效應★ 意旁結合度、意旁表意透明度對中文閱讀的影響
★ 神經膠細胞在神經同步活動及鈣離子波傳遞中之角色★ 中文名詞動詞的具體效果的神經相關活動
★ 運用系列情緒史楚普作業探討性侵害犯及正常控制組在情緒及認知上之交互運作:事件相關腦電位研究★ 左右半腦如何運用脈絡訊息:以分類詞與名詞意義整合中限定性與預測性效果來探討
★ 性侵害犯的衝動行為表現-情緒狀態如何影響性侵害犯的抑制能力?★ 思考死亡對於說謊行為的調節效果
★ 以事件相關電位探討國小學童識字量與中文構字知識發展的關係★ 閱讀效能在中文字辨認的視覺擁擠效應之影響
★ 語境多樣性與語意多樣性對中文字詞辨識影響之事件相關電位研究
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摘要(中) 本研究目的是觀察部件辨識對中文的形音轉換的影響,並且在三個實驗中操弄表音一致性、聲旁結合度。過去研究顯示,低頻低一致性的字需要較久的時間才能唸出讀音。本研究試圖從行為以及腦波反應上,觀察部件被當作而聲旁使用的字數(聲旁結合度)會不會影響表音一致性效應。實驗一使用唸名作業。實驗二則是請受試者進行一個語音辨識作業,在心中默唸並且同時記錄腦電波。實驗三使用字彙判斷作業並且同時記錄腦電波。結果在唸名作業獲得抑制的聲旁結合度效果,以及接近顯著的聲旁結合度和表音一致性交互作用。語音辨識作業中,低表音一致性的字會產生比較正向的P200,而且N170和N400都沒有任何效果。在CDT的前兩階段則先呈現低表音一致性時有促進的聲旁結合度效應,然後高表音一致性時有抑制的聲旁結合度效應。每個階段在N170都呈現在低表音一致性時低聲旁結合度比高聲旁結合度較負向。只有在第二階段中,P200呈現聲旁結合度和表音一致性交互作用。這些結果顯示部件表徵和語音表徵之間有直接連結。
摘要(英) Three experiments are aimed to examine the contribution of radical-level information to Chinese orthography-to-phonology transformation by manipulating character consistency and combinability of the phonetic radical. Since previous studies have demonstrated that to read aloud low frequency characters with low consistency reveal longer reaction time, we wonder if the how many phonograms share with a same phonetic radical (combinability) would interact with the consistency effect by behavioral and event-related potentials studies. Experiment 1 was a naming task. In Experiment 2, participants were required to silently read characters in a phonological recognition task (PRT) with EEG recording. Experiment 3 was a character recognition task (CDT) with EEG recording. In the naming task, there was an inhibitory combinability effect, which was opposite to the findings of previous studies, and marginal significant consistency-by-combinability interaction. In the PRT, low consistency characters showed more positive P200 than high consistency characters. There was no any effect neither in N170 nor N400 in PRT. In the first two blocks of the CDT, there was a facilitative combinability effect in low consistency characters first and then an inhibitory combinability effect in high consistency characters. Low consistency/ low combinability characters showed more negative N170 than low consistency/ high combinability characters in all blocks of CDT. Besides, there was consistency-by-combinability interaction in P200 of the second block only. These findings suggested a direct link between orthography and phonology.
關鍵字(中) ★ 部件
★ 漢字辨識
★ 事件相關電位
★ 表音一致性
★ 聲旁結合度
★ N170
★ P200
★ N400
關鍵字(英) ★ Combinability effect
★ Consistency effect
★ N170
★ Event-Related Potentials (ERPs)
★ Chinese character recognition
★ Radical
★ N400
★ P200
論文目次 導?讀 1
研究目的 9
研究方法 12
實驗一:唸名作業 12
實驗設計 12
結 果 14
討 論 15
實驗二:語音辨識作業 16
實驗設計 16
EEG記錄方式 17
結 果 18
行為反應 19
ERPs結果 19
討 論 23
實驗三:字彙判斷作業 23
實驗設計 23
行為實驗 23
EEG記錄方式 25
結 果 25
行為反應 25
ERPs結果 28
討 論 32
綜合討論 34
實驗結果對研究假設的影響 34
評論以及對後續研究的建議 35
參考文獻 36
附錄一:刺激材料 41
附錄二:統計分析摘要表 45
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指導教授 洪蘭、李佳穎
(Daisy L. Hung、Chia-Ying Lee)
審核日期 2005-7-18
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