博碩士論文 105352004 詳細資訊

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姓名 劉宏麟(Hung-Lin Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 晶圓代工生產作業最佳化模式之研究
★ 橋梁檢測人力機具排班最佳化之研究★ 勤業務專責分工下消防人員每日勤務排班最佳模式之研究
★ 司機員排班作業最佳化模式之研究★ 科學園區廢水場實驗室檢驗員任務指派 最佳化模式之研究
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★ 地質鑽探工程人機作業管理最佳化研究★ 職業棒球球隊球員組合最佳化之研究
★ 鑽堡於卵礫石層施作機具調派最佳化模式之研究★ 職業安全衛生查核人員人力指派最佳化研究
★ 救災機具預置最佳化之探討★ 水電工程出工數最佳化之研究
★ 石門水庫服務台及票站人員排班最佳化之研究★ 空調附屬設備機組維護保養排程最佳化之研究
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摘要(中) 現今晶圓代工廠之晶圓產出大多由生產主管、現場資深工程師或直接操作人員,根據生產排程的需求或臨時的機況,依憑個人經驗安排生產相關進度與作業,通常無法以較科學的方法來作系統性的分析、比較與評估,因此現場資深工程師或直接操作人員之能力及經驗就決定了晶圓產出順利與否,因此利用提高機台的利用率及成本降低,就成為現今晶圓產出作業上的重要議題。本研究模式以台灣一般晶圓代工廠常見之生產流程配合模式,並考量(1)不同廠區(2)負責生產之曝光機台種類及數量的限制(3)機台的利用率百分比%(4)每時段最少需運作生產之機台數量(5)分不同時段運作生產之機台數量,來進行晶圓產出最佳化為研究範圍。
摘要(英) Wafer output in today’s wafer fabrication plants mostly depends on production related schedules arranged by
fab manager、senior engineers and operations performed by direct operators onsite based on production scheduling needs or machine conditions, and usually cannot be systematically analyzed, compared and assessed with scientific methods. Therefore, abilities and experiences of senior engineers or direct operators onsite determine whether wafer output will be smooth. In view of this, utilization of improved machine readiness and cost reduction has become an important issue in today’s wafer output operations. The model in this study is the common model of production process alignment in Taiwan’s general wafer fabrication plants. It takes into account (1) different plant sites, (2) limitations on type and number of exposure devices responsible for production, (3) percentage of machine readiness (%), (4) minimum number of machines running for production in each time frame, and (5) numbers of machines running for production in different time frames for wafer output optimization as the scope of research.
In this study, a mathematical optimization model is created with integer programming as the framework to help decision makers in wafer fabrication plants with arrangement for unified planning of exposure devices in the hope of minimizing associated arrangement costs and thus increasing revenue. When external environments and constraints change, parameters can be adjusted anytime according to the latest conditions to rearrange subsequent numbers of exposure devices and quantities of wafer output. At the same time, various related parameters can be proactively adjusted according to trends of change in sensitivity analysis of various parameters to cope with arrangement programs for numbers of exposure devices and quantities of wafer output.
In this study, corresponding constraint parameters were defined based on basic data and individual constraints, and data were input into the Lingo 12.0 software package via Excel 2007 for problem solving to obtain resultant target values of optimized minimum costs. Testing was performed on customer required wafer output operations run by wafer fabrication plants as examples. A comparison was made between the test results and human experience-based decision making and showed that the model in this study produced clearly better results. Therefore, this model is applicable to arrangement planning for multiple types of exposure devices at different plant sites in different time frames and can serve as an important reference for business decision makers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 晶圓代工
★ 曝光機台
★ 整數規劃
★ 最佳化
★ 敏感度分析
關鍵字(英) ★ wafer fabrication
★ exposure device
★ integer programming
★ optimization
★ sensitivity analysis
論文目次 摘 要 Ⅰ
誌 謝 Ⅲ
目 錄 Ⅳ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
表目錄 Ⅷ

一、緒 論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究的目的與範圍 2
1.2.1研究目的 2
1.2.2研究範圍 2
1.3研究方法與流程 3
1.3.1研究方法 3
1.3.2研究流程 4
二、文獻回顧 6
2.1有關微影製程掃描式曝光機台之相關文獻 6
2.2相關機台及資源的最佳化指派文獻 9
2.3文獻評述 11
三、模式構建及求解方法 12
3.1問題描述與現況做法 12
3.1.1問題描述 12
3.1.2現況做法 16
3.2模式構建 16
3.2.1假設條件及決策變數、參數定義 16
3.2.2數學模式 19
3.2.3模式應用 21
3.3求解方法與步驟 22
3.4小結 23
四、範例測試 24
4.1資料分析 24
4.1.1問題規模及預期目標 24
4.1.2決策變數之擬定 24
4.1.3範例測試基本參數資料之擬定 26
4.2測試與結果分析 29
4.2.1電腦演練環境 29
4.2.2模式輸出結果 29
4.2.3現況做法結果與比較分析 32
4.2.4模式效益 39
4.3敏感度分析 40
4.3.1限制式條件-完成期限的敏感度分析 41
4.3.2限制式條件-晶圓產出總量變化的敏感度分析 43
4.3.3限制式條件-工期變化之敏感度分析 48
4.4小結 51
五、結論與建議 52
5.1結論 53
5.2建議 54
參考文獻 55
附錄A:測試範例LINGO程式碼 57
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指導教授 顏上堯(Shang-Yao Yan) 審核日期 2018-7-9
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